Scotland’s City Region and Regional Growth Deals – your experience of the deals and views on their impact

Closes 14 Nov 2024

Opened 20 Sep 2024


City Region Deals and Regional Growth Deals are funding deals agreed between the Scottish Government, the UK Government and local partners. They are designed to bring about long-term improvements to regional economies, attract investment, create new jobs and accelerate inclusive economic growth. There are currently 12 deals in Scotland at different stages of their lifecycles. Two deals are still to conclude their final agreement.

About this call for views

The Economy and Fair Work Committee will undertake an inquiry to look at the implementation and effectiveness of deals. We will consider how deals have contributed to addressing local issues, and supporting development and inclusive growth. As part of this work, the Committee will consider submissions made earlier this year to the Scottish Affairs Committee

We are keen to hear a wide range of views to help us with this work. We’re particularly keen to hear from:

  • Scottish businesses – targeted questions for businesses can be found on page 2 (Questions 7-12)
  • Local authorities involved in Deals
  • Community groups

The Committee is looking for responses to the following questions:

  • How well is devolved decision-making working in practice? To what extent do local stakeholders, businesses and communities feel they have a stake in deals, and do projects selected address local priorities?
  • To what extent have projects been scoped years before funding is allocated? What have the challenges been where this has happened?
  • How do the aims of the deals align with other economic development policy in Scotland?
  • Since the first deals were signed, there is now an expanded economic development landscape. A climate emergency has been declared and the Scottish National Investment Bank and the South of Scotland Enterprise have been established. How has this impacted on deals?
  • How is the economic impact of deals being measured?
  • How are lessons from earlier deals informing newer deals?

Targeted questions for Scottish businesses:

  • To what extent have you been made aware of projects planned as part of your areas city region deal?
  • To what extent has there been clarity about work opportunities and timelines to allow businesses to be ready to bid for work?
  • What experience does your business have of engaging with the city region deal in your area?
  • If you have not bid for or secured any work as part of the city region deal, can you tell us why not?
  • To what extent have recent pressures on public finances and price inflation impacted any contracts you have secured as part of the city region deal?
  • To what extent is there support to ensure that local businesses are able to bid for and secure work to maximise the local economic impact of public spending through the city region deals?

How to submit your views

Please submit your views using the online submission form, linked to below.

You only need to answer the questions that are relevant to you, or that you have a view on.

We welcome written views in English, Gaelic, Scots or any other language. 

The call for views closes on 14 November 2024.


  • EFW