Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Bill

Closed 18 Mar 2022

Opened 3 Feb 2022


The Scottish Government was given temporary, emergency powers to respond to COVID-19. These powers will expire unless new primary legislation is passed. The Scottish Government has introduced this Bill to make some of the temporary powers permanent and to extend others.  

The provisions in the Bill cover a wide range of policy areas. Scottish Parliament committees are therefore working together to scrutinise the Bill.  

The COVID-19 Recovery Committee is the lead policy committee scrutinising the Bill. Two other committees will scrutinise provisions in the Bill as secondary committees. The Criminal Justice Committee will consider the justice policy measures. The Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee will consider the eviction policy measures. The Education, Children and Young People Committee will also consider the measures relating to educational settings.

Your response to this call for views will inform the scrutiny of all four policy committees. The Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee will consider the delegated powers memorandum. The Finance and Constitution Committee will also consider costs created by the Bill. 

Share your views

We are seeking your views on the Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Bill

This Bill covers a range of policy areas: 

  • alcohol licensing  
  • bankruptcy  
  • civic licensing 
  • courts, tribunals and parole boards 
  • criminal justice and proceeds of crime 
  • education (powers to close educational establishments and ensure continuity of education) 
  • freedom of information 
  • legal aid 
  • named persons nomination  
  • public health  
  • registration of deaths, still-births and live births 
  • tenancies and evictions 
  • vaccinations and immunisations 

You can share your views by completing a short survey on the general principles of the Bill.

The call for views on specific provisions in the Bill closed on 25th February 2022.

Please note that we can only accept submissions via the online platform. If you require assistance to share your views via the platform for accessibility reasons, please contact the clerks.  

If you wish to provide a short response with your views on the Bill overall, please complete the survey.

How to submit your views

Please submit your views using the online submission form.

We welcome written views in English, Gaelic, Scots or any other language.

The call for views closes on 18 March 2022.


  • HSCS