The Scottish Attainment Challenge

Closed 8 Feb 2022

Opened 18 Jan 2022

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


The Scottish Attainment Challenge was launched in 2015 and is funded by a number of programmes including Pupil Equity Funding. A total of £750m has been spent in the five years to 2021. The Scottish Government has said it will continue the fund and increase the amount of funding to £1bn over 5five years from 2021 to 2026.

The Education, Children and Young People Committee wants to know how well this money has supported children from deprived backgrounds and the impact of the Scottish Attainment Challenge support on the attainment gap.

Key questions

The Committee wants your views on the Scottish Attainment Challenge with regard to:

  1. What has worked well?
  2. What could improve?
  3. How is the impact of funding measured?
  4. What has been the impact of the pandemic on attainment and achievement in schools?

How to submit your views

Please submit your views using the online submission form, linked to below.

We welcome written views in English, Gaelic, Scots or any other language. 

The call for views closes on 8 February 2022.


  • ECYP