Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill

Closed 16 May 2022

Opened 21 Mar 2022


The Scottish Government has introduced draft legislation to change the system through which transgender people can gain legal recognition in Scotland.

The Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill will amend the existing Gender Recognition Act 2004 to introduce new criteria for applicants who wish to obtain a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC). When a trans person obtains a GRC, it means they are legally recognised in their acquired gender and can obtain a new birth certificate stating that gender.

The draft Bill will reduce the time period that applicants are required to live in their acquired gender from two years to three months (with an additional three month reflection period). Applicants will no longer be required to provide a medical diagnosis or medical evidence to support their application.

It will be a criminal offence under the Bill for an applicant to make a false statutory declaration. The offence will carry a sentence of up to two years’ imprisonment and/or a fine.

The Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee is the lead policy committee scrutinising the Bill. Your response to this call for views will inform the scrutiny of the EHRCJ Committee. The Finance and Constitution Committee will consult on the financial memorandum.

The Bill proposes to:

  • remove the requirement for medical evidence
  • remove the GRP from the process - applications will be made instead to the Registrar General for Scotland
  • reduce the period that applicants must live in their acquired gender from 2 years to 3 months
  • introduce a mandatory 3-month reflection period
  • reduce the minimum age for applicants from 18 to 16
  • introduce a new duty on the Registrar General to report on an annual basis, the number of applications for GRCs and the number granted.

The Committee will not, as part of its scrutiny, address or explore issues which are outwith the scope of the Bill as outlined above. Submissions which contain offensive language, do not comply with GDPR requirements or are not relevant to the Committee’s scrutiny will not be published.

Share your views

We are seeking your views on the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill

You can either:

  • complete a short survey on the general principles of the Bill
  • share your detailed views on specific provisions of the Bill

Please note that we can only accept submissions via the online platform. If you require assistance to share your views via the platform for accessibility reasons, please contact the clerks. We will not accept submissions of views in any other form (e.g. email, Twitter etc) unless this has been agreed with the Clerks for accessibility reasons.

Short survey

If you wish to provide a short response with your views on the Bill overall, please complete the survey

  1. Do you agree with the overall purpose of the Bill?
  2. Should applicants for a GRC require a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria or supporting documentation?
  3. Should the period of living in an acquired gender be reduced from 2 years to 3 months (with an additional 3-month reflection period)?
  4. Do you agree with the introduction of a 3-month reflection period before a GRC is granted?
  5. Do you agree with the removal of the Gender Recognition Panel from the Process, with applications instead being made to the Registrar General?
  6. Should the minimum age for applicants be reduced from 18 to 16?
  7. Do you anticipate any negative impacts from the provisions in the Bill?
  8. Please provide any further comments you have about the provisions in the Bill

If you are a stakeholder who would like to comment at length on the specific provisions in the Bill, please share your views in the detailed consultation

Detailed consultation

  • the removal of the requirement for a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria and supporting medical evidence
  • provisions enabling applicants to make a statutory declaration that they have lived in the acquired gender for a minimum of three months (rather than the current period of two years) and that they intend to live permanently in their acquired gender
  • whether applications should be made to the Registrar General for Scotland instead of the Gender Recognition Panel, a UK Tribunal
  • proposals that applications are to be determined by the Registrar General after a further period of reflection of at least three months
  • whether the minimum age for applicants for obtaining a GRC should be reduced from 18 to 16
  • if you have any comments on the provisions for interim GRCs
  • if you have any comments on the provisions for confirmatory GRCs for applicants who have overseas gender recognition
  • if you have any comments on the offences of knowingly making a false application or including false information
  • if you have any comments on the removal of powers to introduce a fee
  • if the Bill’s intended policy outcomes could be delivered through other means such as using existing legislation or in another way?
  • if you have any suggestions for how this Bill could be amended. If so, please provide details
  • any other comments on the Bill

Leugh sa Ghàidhlig

Bile Ath-leasachadh Aithneachadh Gnè (Alba)

Tha Riaghaltas na h-Alba air dreachd reachdais a thoirt a-steach gus an siostam trom faod daoine tar-ghnèitheach aithneachadh laghail fhaighinn ann an Alba atharrachadh.

Atharraichidh Bile Ath-leasachadh Aithneachadh Gnè (Alba) Achd Aithneachadh Gnè 2004 a th’ ann an-dràsta gus slatan-tomhais ùra a thoirt a-steach airson daoine a tha ag iarraidh Teisteanas Aithneachadh Gnè (Gender Recognition Certificate - GRC). Nuair a gheibh neach tar-ghnèitheach Teisteanas, tha e a’ ciallachadh gu bheilear gan aithneachadh gu laghail sa ghnè a ghabh iad agus gum faod iad teisteanas-breithe ùr fhaghinn leis a’ ghnè sin air.

Lùghdaichidh dreachd a’ Bhile an ùine a dh’fheumas tagraichean mairsinn sa ghnè a ghabh iad bho dhà bhliadhna gu trì mìosan (le ùine-chnuasachaidh a bharrachd de thrì mìosan). Cha bhi aig tagraichean ri deuchainn-leigheis no fianais-leigheis a thoirt seachad mar thaic ris an iarrtas aca tuilleadh.

Bidh e na casaid eucorach fon Bhile do thagraiche dearbhadh reachdail breugach a dhèanamh. Bidh binn an cois na casaide de suas ri dà bhliadhna sa phrìosan agus/no càin.

Is i Comataidh Co-ionannachd, Chòraichean Daonna agus Ceartais Chatharra a’ phrìomh chomataidh phoileasaidh a tha a’ sgrùdadh a’ Bhile. Cuidichidh an fhreagairt agad air a’ ghairm seo sgrùdadh na Comataidh. Nì Comataidh Ionmhais agus Bun-reachd co-chomhairle mun mheòrachan air ionmhas.

Tha e fa-near dhan Bhile:

  • An riatanas mu fhianais-leigheis a thoirt air falbh
  • Am Pannal Àitheanchaidh Gnè a thoirt air falbh bhon phròiseas. Thèid iarrtasan a cur na àite gu Àrd-neach-clàraidh na h-Alba.
  • An ùine a dh’fheumas tagraichean mairsinn sa ghnè a ghabh iad bho dhà bhliadhna gu 3 mìosan
  • Ùine-chnuasachaidh riatanach de 3 mìosan a thoirt a-steach
  • An aois as lugha do thagraichean a lùghdachadh bho 18 gu 16
  • Uallach ùr a chur air an Àrd-neach-chlàraidh aithisg a thoirt gach bliadhna mu àireamh nan tagraichean airson nan Teisteanasan agus an àireamh a bhuilichear.

San sgrùdadh aige, cha chuir a’ Chomataidh aghaidh air ceistean a tha an taobh a-muigh raon a’ Bhile mar a thathar a’ mìneachadh gu h-àrd agus cha dèan i sgrùdadh orra. Cha tèid freagairtean anns a bheil cainnt bhorb, no nach eil a’ gèilleadh do dh’fheumalachdan GDPR no nach eil a’ buntainn ri sgrùdadh na Comataidh fhoillseachadh.

Nochd do bheachdan

The sinn ag iarraidh do chuid bheachdan air Bile Ath-leasachadh Aithneachadh Gnè (Alba)

Thèid iarraidh ort, an dara cuid:

  • Suirbhidh ghoirid mu phrionnsapalan coitcheann a’ Bhile a lìonadh a-steach
  • Do bheachdan mionaideach air ullachaidhean sònraichte a’ Bhile a nochdadh

Thoir fa-near nach fhaod sinn gabhail ri freagairtean ach tron chlàr air an Lìon. Ma bhios cuideachadh a dhìth ort gus na beachdan agad a nochdadh tron chlàr air adhbharan ruigsinneachd, nach cuir thu fios dha na clàrcan. Cha ghabh sinn ri beachdan ann an riochd sam bith eile (m. e. post-dealain, Twitter, agus an leithid) ach a-mhàin ma thathar air seo aontachadh ris na Clàrcan air adhbharan ruigsinneachd.

Nochd do chuid bheachdan air adhbhar a’ Bhile (suirbhidh ghoirid)

Ma tha thu ag iarraidh freagairt ghoirid a thoirt leis na beachdan agad air a’ Bhile san fharsaingeachd, nach lìon thu a-steach an t-suirbhidh [ceangal] A bheil thu ag aontachadh ri adhbhar a’ Bhile san fharsaingeachd?

  • Tha/Chan eil/Chan eil fhios agam

Am bu chòir do thagraichean airson GRC deuchainn-leigheis air neo-shàstachd gnè (gender dysphoria) no pàipearan-taice a chur a-steach?

  • Bu chòir/Cha bu chòir/Chan

eil fhios agam Am bu chòir gum biodh an ùine gus mairsinn le gnè a ghabh thu air a lùghdachadh bho 2 bhliadhna gu 3 mìosan?

  • Bu chòir/Cha bu chòir/Chan eil fhios agam

A bheil thu ag aontachadh ri toirt a-steach ùine-chnuasachaidh 3 mìosan mus tèid Teisteanas a thoirt seachad?

  • Tha/Chan eil/Chan eil fhios agam

A bheil thu ag aontachadh gun tèid Pannal Aithneachaidh Ghnè a thoirt air falbh bhon phròiseas, le iarrtasan air an cur dhan Àrd-neach-chlàraidh an àite seo?

  • Tha/Chan eil/Chan eil fhios agam

Am bu chòir gum biodh an aois as lugha do thagraichean air a lùghdachadh bho 18 gu 16?

  • Bu chòir/Cha bu chòir/Chan eil fhios agam

A bheil thu an dùil ri droch bhuaidhean sam bith bho na h-ullachaidhean sa Bhile?

  • Tha/Chan eil/Chan eil fhios agam

A bheil thu ag iarraidh beachdan a thoirt air ullachaidhean sam bith eile sa Bhile?

  • Bogsa-teacsa saor

Ciamar a fhuair thu a-mach mun cho-chomhairleachadh seo?

  • Làrach-lìn Pàrlamaid na h-Alba
  • Radio
  • Pàipear-naidheachd nàiseanta
  • Pàipear-naidheachd ionadail

Nochd do bheachdan ann am mionaideachd air ullachaidhean sònraichte sa Bhile (freagairtean mionaideach air a’ cho-chomhairleachadh)

Ma tha thu nad neach-ùidhe a tha ag iarraidh beachdan mionaideach a nochdadh air na h-ullachaidhean sònraichte sa Bhile, thèid iarraidh ort aghaidh a chur air na ceistean a leanas:

  • Toirt air falbh an riatanais mu dheuchainn-leigheis air neo-shàstachd gnè agus fianais-leigheis mar thaic
  • Ullachaidhean a’ cur air chomas do thagraichean dearbhadh reachdail a dhèanamh gu bheil iad air mairsinn sa ghnè a ghabh iad fad trì mìosan air a’ char as giorra (seach fad dà bhliadhna mar a th’ ann an-dràsta) agus gu bheil iad a’ cur romhpa mairsinn gu buan sa ghnè a ghabh iad
  • Am bu chòir iarrtasan a chur gu Àrd-neach-clàraidh na h-Alba seach Pannal Aithneachaidh Ghnè, a tha na thribiunal aig ìre na RA
  • Molaidhean gun tèid iarrtasan a shocrachadh leis an Àrd-neach-chlàraidh an dèidh barrachd ùine-chnuasachaidh fad trì mìosan air a’ char as giorra
  • Am bu chòir gun tèid an aois as lugha do thagraichean gus Teisteanas fhaighinn air a lùghdachadh bho 18 gu 16
  • Ma tha beachdan sam bith agad air na h-uallachaidhean mu Theisteanasan eadar-amail
  • Ma tha beachdan sam bith agad air na h-ullachaidhean mu Theisteanasan-dearbhaidh do thagraichean air a bheil aithneachadh gnè thall thairis
  • Ma tha beachdan sam bith agad mu na h-eucoirean mu iarrtasan-brèige a dhèanamh le fios no fiosrachadh-brèige a chur a-steach
  • Ma tha beachdan sam bith agad air toirt air falbh nan cumhachdan gus cìs a thoirt a-steach
  • An gabhadh amasan a’ Bhile mu phoileasaidh lìbhrigeadh tro mheadhanan eile leithid a’ cleachdadh an reachdais a th’ ann an-dràsta no ann an dòigh air choreigin eile?
  • Ma tha molaidhean sam bith agad a thaobh mar a dh’fhaodte am Bile seo atharrachadh. Mas e ’s gu bheil, nach toir thu fiosrachadh seachad.
  • Beachdan sam bith eile mun Bhile.

Lìon a-steach na h-earrannan den cho-chomhairleachadh anns a bheil ùidh agad fhèin. Cha leig thu leas freagairt a thoirt air gach pàirt den cho-chomhairleachadh, no na ceistean air fad.

Fios gu

Comataidh Co-ionannachd, Chòraichean Daonna agus Ceartais Chatharra –

We welcome written views in English, Gaelic, Scots or any other language.

The call for views closes on 16 May 2022.
