Healthcare in remote and rural areas

Closed 17 Aug 2023

Opened 16 Jun 2023


The Health, Social Care and Sport Committee is planning an inquiry into healthcare in remote and rural areas and they want to hear your views on what they should focus their inquiry on.

To help inform the inquiry the Committee has agreed to use the Your Priorities digital consultation tool.



The tool will ask the following question: 

  • What are the most important issues that the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee should look at in its inquiry into healthcare in rural and remote areas?

Participants are invited to add their ideas and issues to the platform and also rate and comment on other ideas. This will give the committee an indication of the issues relating to healthcare in rural and remote areas that matter most to people, and support wider community engagement with people living in these areas of Scotland.

The call for views closes on 11 August 2023.


  • HSCS