Community Planning - call for views

Closed 13 Jan 2023

Opened 7 Nov 2022

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


Community Planning aims to improve how organisations such as local government, health boards, and the police work together with other partners to improve local outcomes in an area. Community Planning Partnerships (‘CPPs’) exist in every local authority to identify priorities and to share resources to deliver services for people.

Part 2 of the Community Empowerment Act (2015) changed how community planning is delivered by CPPs. They have to develop Local Outcomes Improvement Plans and targeted ‘locality plans’ for smaller areas which need more support. Partners also have to work with communities to involve them in community planning.

This inquiry examines the impact of the Act on community planning and how CPPs respond to significant events such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the current cost-of-living crisis.

We asked to hear from organisations directly involved in Community Planning Partnerships as well as communities and individuals about the impact the Partnerships have had.

Our call for views asked detailed questions about the operation of CPPs and was aimed at Community Planning Partners. Our survey was aimed aimed at organisations, communities and individuals who have an interest in CPPs. 


  1. What action has been taken at a local level to improve community participation and collaboration between partners since the requirements of the 2015 Act came into force? Can you provide examples of success?
  2. What progress has your CPP made in tackling inequalities since the 2015 Act? To what extent has your CPP adopted a preventative approach in seeking to tackle inequalities? Can you provide examples of success? How are you responding to the current cost-of-living crisis?
  3. How have Local Outcomes Improvement Plans and locality plans reduced inequalities? Can you provide examples?
  4. What are the challenges faced by CPPs to the effective planning and delivery of their outcomes? How has the Act changed how community planning partners deliver their services?
  5. What role did your CPP have in the response to the Covid-19 pandemic? What has the legacy of the pandemic been to approaches to community planning?
  6. Does the existing guidance for Community Planning Partnerships need to be updated?
  7. How does community planning align with other strategies and planning requirements?
  8. Do partners in your CPP contribute resources to enable the delivery of outcomes?
  9. Whether inclusion as a planning partner has changed the way your organisation works, spends its budget and makes decisions?
  10. Does the statutory membership of Community Planning Partnerships need revisiting?

The call for views closed on 30 December 2022.


  • LGHP