Committee Effectiveness - Short Survey
We want to hear from you about how effective committees at the Scottish Parliament are.
Committees are groups of MSPs formed to look at specific subject issues. Each committee has MSPs from a mixture of political parties, with a balance similar to that of the Parliament as a whole. They work on a cross-party basis to explore policy issues, examine legislation and scrutinise the work and policies of the Scottish Government. Each committee is led by a Convener (with a Deputy Convener) and is supported by a team of non-political Parliament staff.
Find out more about committees and their work
The Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee looks at the Parliament’s procedures, rules for MSPs' behaviour and conduct, rules on lobbying, and elections and referendums. It is carrying out an inquiry to look at committee effectiveness, and as part of this, it’s exploring how committees evaluate the impact of their work.
To support the inquiry, we’re keen to understand what public experiences and views of committees are.
This quick survey is aimed at individuals, and anyone can respond whether they are familiar with committee work or not.
It includes three questions, two to understand how familiar you are with committees, and one to ask you about what you see as the most important things committees do. The questions are tick box but there is an opportunity for you to tell us about your experiences at the end if you wish.
Read the questions in this survey
Page 2 – About you
Q1 – Standard privacy notice
Q2 – Standard publication question
Q3 – Name
Q4 – Email address
Q5 – Are you responding as an individual or on behalf of an organisation?
Page 3 – Organisation details
Q6 – Name of organisation
Q7 – Information about your organisation
Page 4 – role of committees
Q8 – Have you engaged with or followed the work of Scottish Parliament committees before? (yes/no skip logic, No answer would lead to a ‘survey done’ page saying “thank you for your time, it’s important that we know whether we’re reaching new audiences or not” or something similar, and the standard submit response design)
Q9 – How have you engaged with the work of Scottish Parliament committees? (tick as many as apply)
- I have followed some committee work in an area of interest to me, for instance by watching news reports or reading news articles or social media posts.
- I like to stay up to date with what multiple committees are doing.
- I have watched a committee meeting, either online or in person.
- I have read one or more committee reports.
- I have responded to one or more committee calls for views or surveys.
- I have written to one or more committees.
- I have met members of a committee at an engagement event or visit.
- I have taken part in a participation session with a committee, such as a workshop, lived experience panel or people’s panel.
- I have given evidence to a committee in a formal meeting on one occasion.
- I have given evidence or engaged with one or more committees multiple times.
- I have followed up to see how the Scottish Government has responded to committee work that I have followed or taken part in.
Page 5 – the work of committees
The work of committees is often referred to as scrutiny. This means that committees are looking at things like:
- Plans for how things are done (policies and strategies).
- How well they are done.
- Whether those things are what the public and organisations have asked for.
- Whether things are done fairly (equalities).
- Whether public money is being used effectively.
To do this, committees do carry out several types of work.
Q10 – Which do you think is the most important thing for committees to spend their time on? (choose top 3, in order)
- Investigating current or topical issues.
- Examining proposed laws presented by the Scottish Government.
- Examining proposed laws presented by non-Government members (private members bills, such as the Period Products (Scotland) Bill).
- Examining the Scottish Government’s proposed spending plans (the Budget).
- Examining the work of public bodies and commissioners.
- Reviewing existing laws and how well they work.
- Examining petitions made by the public.
Q11 – If you have engaged with or followed committee work before, would you like to tell us more about your experience? (free text)
This survey should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.
There is a separate call for views which asks more detailed questions about committee effectiveness which organisations or people who have engaged with committees often may wish to complete.
Read and complete the detailed survey
How to submit your views
Please submit your views using the online submission form, linked to below.
We welcome written views in English, Gaelic, Scots or any other language.
The call for views closes on Tuesday 22 April 2025.
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