Open Calls for Views
Inquiry into the Scottish budget process in practice
The committee is carrying out a short, focussed inquiry on how the Scottish budget process has worked in practice, during the current parliamentary session (2021-26). It aims to identify any improvements that can be made to the budget process, ahead of the next five-year session of Parliament. We’d like to hear from: public bodies voluntary sector academics thinktanks stakeholders members of the public For more context regarding the...
Closes 26 March 2025
Scottish Parliament (Recall and Removal of Members) Bill: Financial Memorandum
About the Bill The Bill as introduced sets out that an MSP could be recalled: if they receive a sanction excluding them from Parliament for a certain period of time; if they receive a prison sentence of less than 6 months. When an MSP is recalled, people in the constituency or region that the MSP represents will be able to sign a petition calling for the MSP to lose their seat. If the petition is successful, the MSP will lose their seat. The Bill also...
Closes 4 April 2025
Scottish Parliament (Recall and Removal of Members) Bill Call for Views
The Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee is looking at the Scottish Parliament (Recall and Removal of Members) Bill and wants to hear your views. What is the Scottish Parliament (Recall and Removal of Members) Bill? The Bill proposes measures for the recall and removal of Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) from that office. Scottish Parliament (Recall and Removal of Members) Bill | The Scottish Parliament Recall Part 1 of the Bill would...
Closes 4 April 2025
Tertiary Education and Training (Funding and Governance) (Scotland) Bill
The Tertiary Education and Training (Funding and Governance) (Scotland) Bill was created to simplify the funding landscape for post-school education and training. It was introduced on 5 February 2025. The Bill is in three main parts. Part 1 focuses on funding arrangements for: Scottish apprenticeships work-based learning training for employment Under the Bill, the Scottish Further and Higher Education Funding Council (SFC) would need to ensure that Scottish...
Closes 11 April 2025
Tertiary Education and Training Bill Financial Memorandum - Call for Views
About the Bill The purpose of the Bill is to reform and simplify the framework for the funding of post-school education and skills training in Scotland. The Bill does so primarily by making provision for the Scottish Further and Higher Education Funding Council (the Council) to take full responsibility for securing the delivery of national training programmes (NTPs) and apprenticeships, a role previously carried out by Skills Development Scotland. The Council already funds the provision...
Closes 16 April 2025
Closed Calls for Views
Leases (Automatic Continuation etc.) (Scotland) Bill: Financial Memorandum
About the Bill Under this Bill, certain types of commercial lease would continue automatically after the date they would otherwise have ended (the “termination date”). To end the lease on its termination date, the landlord and tenant must both agree that it will end then, or either the landlord or tenant must give notice. The Bill sets out rules about what the notice must contain, when it must be given, how it can be given, and situations when notice can be withdrawn. The proposed...
Closed 7 March 2025
Leases (Automatic Continuation etc.) (Scotland) Bill
The Scottish Government introduced the Leases (Automatic Continuation etc.) (Scotland) Bill on 11 December 2024. The Bill aims to modernise and clarify the law around how certain leases can continue automatically past their termination date, and other procedural elements related to ending leases. The Bill also sets out rules for how leases end. Under this Bill, certain types of commercial lease would continue automatically after the...
Closed 7 March 2025
Scottish Government’s Fourth National Planning Framework
At its meeting on 17 December, the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee agreed to review the progress of the fourth National Planning Framework in the second year since publication. Following the Committee's first annual review of NPF4, the Committee raised concerns about local authority capacity to deliver the priorities set out in the spatial strategy and key policy goals. Since then, the Scottish Government has published a summary of responses to the consultation on “...
Closed 7 March 2025
The operation of the Public Sector Equality Duty in Scotland
The Committee has agreed to carry out a short inquiry into the operation of the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) in Scotland. The PSED is a legal requirement for public authorities in Scotland. Under the duty, they must consider equality when carrying out their functions. The aims of the duty are to: eliminate unlawful behaviour by ending discrimination, harassment, and victimisation advance equality of opportunity between people who have a protected characteristic...
Closed 28 February 2025
Financial considerations when leaving an abusive relationship
The Social Justice and Social Security Committee is looking into the financial pressures women face when leaving an abusive relationship . We want to hear your views about: what support is available to women leaving abusive relationships how rules and practices related to the public sector and social security take account of the financial issues women can face when leaving an abusive relationship We’re interested in hearing from: women with experience of...
Closed 27 February 2025