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Jennifer McHarrie

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Bòrd na Gàidhlig

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Bòrd na Gàidhlig is the principal public body in Scotland responsible for promoting Gaelic development, including providing advice to Scottish Ministers on Gaelic issues.

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Part 1 of the Bill

1. Several reports, including the OECD Review of the Curriculum for Excellence and Professor Ken Muir’s report “Putting Learners at the Centre. Towards a Future Vision for Scottish Education”, have recommended reforming the current Scottish Qualifications Authority. How well do you think the Bill addresses the concerns raised in those reports?

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Bòrd na Gàidhlig advocates that there is a fundamental recognition in all Education Reform activity that in Scotland education is delivered either through the medium of English or through the medium of Gaelic.

This is reflected in the Bill under sections on Duties when exercising functions, that Qualification Scotland and His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education in Scotland “must have regard to the needs and interests of persons using its services, including those who are receiving, or wish to receive— (i) Gaelic learner education, (ii) Gaelic medium education, or (iii) 25 the teaching of the Gaelic language in the provision of further education by education authorities.” and under sections relating to Publication of Documents we welcome the inclusion of “users of the Gaelic language”.

Prof Ken Muir’s Report “Putting Learners at the Centre” highlighted that various educational sectors including Gaelic Medium Education (GME) “often felt like ‘add-ons’ rather than fully integrated and supported parts of the Scottish education system.” and so, we welcome the clear acknowledgement of both
Gaelic medium education and users of the Gaelic language in this Bill.

Tha Bòrd na Gàidhlig a’ moladh gum bu chòir aithne bhunaiteach a bhith anns a h-uile gnìomh a thaobh Ath-leasachadh Foghlaim gu bheil foghlam ann an Alba air a lìbhrigeadh tro mheadhan na Beurla no tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.

Tha seo ri fhaicinn anns a’ Bhile fo na h-earrannan air Dleastanasan nuair a thathar a’ coileanadh ghnìomhan, far a bheilear ag ràdh gum feum Teisteanas Alba agus Àrd-neach-sgrùdaidh Foghlaim an Rìgh ann an Alba “aire a thoirt air feumalachdan agus leas dhaoine a chleachdas a sheirbheisean, a’ gabhail a-steach an fheadhainn a tha a’ faighinn, no a tha ag iarraidh a bhith a’ faighinn— (i) foghlam luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig, (ii) foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, no (iii) 25 a’ teagasg na Gàidhlig ann an solar foghlam adhartach le ùghdarrasan foghlaim” agus fo earrannan co-cheangailte ri Foillseachadh Sgrìobhainnean tha sinn a’ cur fàilte air a bhith a’ gabhail a-steach “luchd-cleachdaidh na Gàidhlig”.

Chomharraich Aithisg an Ollaimh Ken Muir “Putting Learners at the Centre” gun robh diofar roinnean foghlaim a’ gabhail a-steach Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig (FtG) “gu tric a’ faireachdainn gun robh iad nan ‘add-ons’ seach pàirtean làn-amalaichte, agus le taic, ann an siostam foghlaim na h-Alba.” agus mar sin, tha sinn a’ cur fàilte air an aithne shoilleir a tha air an dà chuid foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig agus luchd-cleachdaidh na Gàidhlig anns a’ Bhile seo.

2. The Bill sets out measures designed to better involve learners, teachers and others in the new body’s decision-making. What do you think about these measures?

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Bòrd na Gàidhlig welcome the establishment of a Strategic Advisory Council and input from learners, teachers and practitioners in decision making processes. The inclusion of representatives from Gaelic-medium education,and specialists in teaching practice and pedagogy should include those with experience in immersion education to ensure that GME is embedded in all strategic planning for Qualifications Scotland.

Tha Bòrd na Gàidhlig a’ cur fàilte air stèidheachadh Comhairle Comhairleachaidh Ro-innleachdail agus air ion-chur bho luchd-ionnsachaidh, tidsearan agus luchd-cleachdaidh ann am pròiseasan co-dhùnaidh. Bu chòir na riochdairean bho fhoghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig agus eòlaichean ann an cleachdadh teagaisg agus oide-eòlas teagaisg a bhith a’ gabhail a-steach daoine aig a bheil eòlas air foghlam bogaidh gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil FtG freumhaichte anns a’ phlanadh ro-innleachdail uile airson Teisteanasan Alba.

3. The Bill also creates several Charters, designed to let people know what they can expect when interacting with Qualifications Scotland. What is your view of these Charters?

Please provide your response in the box provided.
Bòrd na Gàidhlig welcome the creation of Learner, Teacher and Practitioner Charters along with the requirement to consult in their preparation. This should include representatives from Gaelic-medium education to provide a voice for those who use and deliver qualifications and a mechanism for providing and receiving feedback. The Charters will be crucial for both strategy and operation in Qualifications Scotland, and it is crucial that these demonstrate equity for those involved in GME and be presented bilingually. The principle of active offer in the provision of public services is established best practice for minority languages.

By making provision available to users of minority languages through their chosen medium of communication (in this case Gaelic) organisations can enable minority language speakers to become more aware of the opportunity to employ their chosen language when interacting with them.
In turn, greater use of the minority language is stimulated, and more individuals can become encouraged to learn and make use of it.

Tha Bòrd na Gàidhlig a’ cur fàilte air a bhith a’ cruthachadh Cairtean Luchd-ionnsachaidh, Luchd-teagaisg is Luchd-cleachdaidh agus air an riatanas co-chomhairle a chumail mar phàirt den obair ullachadh aca. Bu chòir seo a bhith a’ gabhail a-steach riochdairean bho fhoghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig gus guth a thoirt dhaibhsan a bhios a’ cleachdadh agus a’ lìbhrigeadh theisteanasan agus mar dhòigh air fios air ais a thoirt seachad agus fhaighinn. Bidh na Cairtean deatamach airson an dà chuid ro-innleachd agus obrachadh ann an Teisteanasan Alba, agus tha e deatamach gun toir iad sin cothromas dhaibhsan a tha an sàs ann am FtG agus gum bi iad air an taisbeanadh gu dà-chànanach. Tha prionnsapal na tairgse gnìomhaich ann an solar sheirbheisean poblach stèidhichte mar dheagh chleachdadh airson mion-chànanan.

Le bhith a’ toirt cothrom do luchd-cleachdaidh mion-chànanan air solar tron mheadhan conaltraidh a thagh iad (Gàidhlig san eisimpleir seo) faodaidh buidhnean cothrom a thoirt do luchd-labhairt mhion-chànanan a bhith nas mothachail air a’ chothrom an cànan a thagh iad a chleachdadh nuair a bhios iad a’ conaltradh leotha. Mar sin, tha e a’ brosnachadh barrachd cleachdadh den mhion-chànan, agus thèid barrachd dhaoine a bhrosnachadh gus ionnsachadh agus a chleachdadh.

Part 2 of the Bill

1. Part 2 of the Bill establishes the role of HM Chief Inspector of Education in Scotland, setting out what they will do and how they will operate. What are your views of these proposals? E.g. Do they allow for sufficient independence?

Please provide your response in the box provided.

Bòrd na Gàidhlig welcome these proposals
Tha Bòrd na Gàidhlig a’ cur fàilte air na molaidhean seo

2. What are you views on the reporting requirements set out in the Bill, including the requirement to report on the performance of the Scottish education system?

Please provide your response in the box provided.
Bòrd na Gàidhlig welcome section 39 – Report on the performance of the Scottish education system and would expect that this includes reporting on Gaelic-medium education.
Tha Bòrd na Gàidhlig a’ cur fàilte air earrann 39 – Aithisg air coileanadh siostam foghlaim na h-Alba agus bhiodh e an dùil gum biodh seo a’ gabhail a-steach aithris air foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.

3. Are there any powers HM Chief Inspector should have that are not set out in the Bill?

Please provide your response in the box provided.

Further comments

1. In your view, what should the outcomes of the Bill be?

Please provide your response in the box provided.
Clear, unambiguous, legislation that results in an Awarding body and Inspectorate that is inclusive of and serves the needs of learners, teachers and practitioners in Scotland, in both Gaelic-medium and English medium education.


Reachdas soilleir, a tha a’ cruthachadh buidheann Teisteanasan agus Luchd-sgrùdaidh a tha in-ghabhalach agus a’ frithealadh feumalachdan luchd-ionnsachaidh, luchd-teagaisg agus luchd-cleachdaidh ann an Alba, an dà chuid ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig agus tro mheadhan na Beurla.

2. Do you have any other comments on the Bill?

Please provide your response in the box provided.
Bòrd na Gàidhlig welcome the inclusion of Gaelic names for both organisations - Qualifications Scotland/Teisteanasan Alba and His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education in Scotland/ Àrd-Neach-sgrùdaidh an Rìgh airson Foghlam ann an Alba. We recommend that this recognition of the Gaelic name is extended to the logo adopted by each organisation.

Under Supporting Provisions (Section 25) Bòrd na Gàidhlig welcome the reference to users of Gaelic in relation to Publication of Documents. While we welcome translations into Gaelic, it will be important that Qualifications Scotland has staff with Gaelic skills who can interact with users of their services and assist in the creation of publications. This should extend to the website and social media, which at present has limited content in Gaelic.

Teachers and practitioners in GME should have equal access to information as their counterparts in English education for example the same access to Support materials, Understanding Standards resources, Subject information on website, and visibility and support as part of Marking teams and the same marking methods as English medium qualifications.

Enabling those who interact with Qualifications Scotland and His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education in Scotland for example teaching professionals, pupils, employers, training providers and members of the public to do so in Gaelic, has the potential to change public perceptions of the language in terms of its practical and economic use, and demonstrate its importance as an integral part of both the Scottish education system and everyday life - while contributing to the main aim of the National Plan for Gaelic 2023-28 which is to increase the use and learning of Gaelic and it will be important that the organisations to demonstrate links to the aims of the educational proposals relating for GME in the forthcoming Scottish Languages Bill
Tha Bòrd na Gàidhlig a’ cur fàilte air ainmean Gàidhlig a bhith sa bhaile dhan dà bhuidhinn – Qualifications Scotland/Teisteanasan Alba agus His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education in Scotland/ Àrd-Neach-sgrùdadh an Rìgh airson Foghlam ann an Alba. Tha sinn a’ moladh gun tèid an aithne seo air an ainm Ghàidhlig air a leudachadh gus a bhith a’ gabhail a-steach an t-suaicheantais a bhios aig gach buidheann.

Fo Ullachaidhean Taice (Earrann 25) tha Bòrd na Gàidhlig a’ cur fàilte air an iomradh air luchd-cleachdaidh na Gàidhlig a thaobh Foillseachadh Sgrìobhainnean. Ged a tha sinn a’ cur fàilte air eadar-theangachaidhean gu Gàidhlig, tha e cudromach gum bi luchd-obrach aig a bheil sgilean Gàidhlig aig Teisteanasan Alba a bhios comasach air conaltradh le luchd-cleachdaidh nan seirbheisean aca agus air cuideachadh le cruthachadh fhoillseachaidhean. Bu chòir seo a leudachadh gus a bhith a’ gabhail a-steach na làrach-lìn agus nam meadhanan sòisealta, anns nach eil ach beagan susbaint sa Ghàidhlig aig an àm seo.

Feumaidh an aon chothrom a bhith aig proifeiseantaich teagaisg air fiosrachadh ’s a th' aig an co-leithid ann am Beurla, agus bu chòir seo a bhith a’ gabhail a-steach an aon chothrom air stuthan-taic agus goireasan Tuigsinn Inbhean, fiosrachadh cuspair air làrach-lìn còmhla ri faicsinneachd agus taic mar phàirt de sgiobaidhean Comharrachaidh agus na h-aon mhodhan comharrachaidh ri teisteanasan tro mheadhan na Beurla.

Le bhith a’ toirt cothrom dhan fheadhainn a tha ag eadar-obrachadh le Teisteanasan Alba agus Àrd-neach-sgrùdaidh an Rìgh airson Foghlaim ann an Alba, mar eisimpleir proifeiseantaich teagaisg, sgoilearan, luchd-fastaidh, solaraichean trèanaidh agus buill den phoball sin a dhèanamh sa Ghàidhlig, tha comas ann beachdan a’ phobaill air a’ chànan atharrachadh a thaobh cleachdadh practaigeach agus eaconamach, agus a bhith a’ sealltainn cho cudromach ’s a tha e mar phàirt riatanach an dà chuid de shiostam foghlaim na h-Alba agus den bheatha làitheil - agus an aon àm a bhith a’ cur ri prìomh amas Plana Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig 2023-28, is e sin a bhith a’ cur ri cleachdadh agus ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig agus bidh e cudromach ceanglaichean a shealltainn ri amasan nam molaidhean foghlaim co-cheangailte ri FtG ann am Bile Chànanan na h-Alba a tha ri thighinn.