Organisation details
6. Name of organisation
Name of organisation
Moral guardians
7. Information about your organisation
Please add information about your organisation in the box below
We represent the interests of severly disabled people who cannot understand how to get online amnd wh can only communicate by letter
Key questions
8. How important is the current six-day Royal Mail service for letters to your business and/or your community?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
It is okay but letters are so impostant to those who have no access to internet trhat letters should be delivered 7 days a week, not 6
9. Royal Mail has proposed changing the six-day service for letters to a five-day service. Delivery of letters on Saturdays would end. If this change is made, what impact would this have on your business or community?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
It would have a devasting effect on disabled people who do not understand the internet. Far from ending Saturday deliveries there should also be letter deliveries on Sundays and bank holidays because letters are so important. Until about 1955 letter were even delivered on christmas day. .
10. Are there any businesses, individuals or groups who would be particularly affected by this change?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
Yes. It would very badly effect those who have no access to internet or emails.
11. What was your experience of the service provided by the Royal Mail over the last year while the dispute with the CWU (Communication Workers Union) was ongoing?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
It was very bad having no letter deliveries on 23rd and 24th December 2022.
12. If you are a business, have you stopped using Royal Mail?
Please select one item
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Not applicable
Please provide reasons for your response in the box provided.
We are not a business, we are a non-profit-making voluntary organisation
13. If you are a business, do you use Royal Mail in conjunction with other services?
Please select one item
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Not applicable
Please provide reasons for your response in the box provided.
We are not a business, we are a non-profit-making voluntary organisation