About you
3. What is your name?
James McDaid
Organisation details
6. Name of organisation
Name of organisation
Irvine & North Ayrshire Trades Union Council
7. Information about your organisation
Please add information about your organisation in the box below
Irvine & North Ayrshire TUC are a community based delegate based trades union organisation affiliated to the Scottish Trades Union Congress.
Questions on the Bill
8. Is the legislation necessary? Or, do you think an alternative approach should be considered?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
Yes the legislation is necessary.
9. What are your views on Section 1 of the Bill, which limits the pardon to picketing or demonstration and connected travel?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
Convictions directly related to the 1984/85 miners’ strike were not restricted to picketing, “demonstrations” and connected travel. These restrictions could mitigate against those convicted in other situations.
It is also the case that others including people who were members of other trades unions acting in solidarity with the National Union of Mineworkers received unfair and biased convictions.
It is also the case that others including people who were members of other trades unions acting in solidarity with the National Union of Mineworkers received unfair and biased convictions.
10. What are your views on Section 2 of the Bill, which details the range of offences which are covered by the pardon?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
Our view is that all convictions directly related to or in solidarity with the miners’ strike should be included.
11. Do you think previous or subsequent convictions should disqualify a miner from receiving a pardon?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
This is an irrelevant condition for receiving a pardon.