About you
3. What is your name?
Christine Shaw
Question page 1
8. What are your views on the establishment of a Patient Safety Commissioner to scrutinise safety issues, deliver systematic improvements and amplify the patient voice in the provision of health care?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
Complete waste of money in todays climate in the NHS
9. What are your views on the proposed role and responsibilities of the Patient Safety Commissioner?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
Not necessary when there are not enough nurses and doctors pay them more to retain staff then no need for another tier of highly paid management
10. What are your views on the proposed powers of the Patient Safety Commissioner?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
11. What are your views on the appointment process for the Commissioner and the funding being provided to enable them to carry out their role?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
Provide funding to retain staff and pay them a decent wage would be much more beneficial
12. Would you like to see any changes to the Bill? If so, what?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
Scrap it