Response 200044299

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Where do you live? Giving your town, village or local authority is sufficient

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East Renfrewshire

Your experiences of Community Planning Partnerships

Are you familiar with your local community planning partnership?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

Not familiar with Community Planning Partnerships

What are the biggest challenges facing your local area and how are public bodies, including your local authority, addressing these?

Please provide your response in the box provided.
Lack of provision for young people.
Roads are horrendous.
Pavements are horrific. Particularly for wheelchair users & people pushing prams/buggies.
There are a number of bars/restaurants with chairs/tables outside reducing pavement space. Also, boards, on pavements advertising. Reduced pavement space & discriminates those with limited or no sight.
Continual road works at Busby bridge over White Cart causing massive delays for years. This section of road from East Kilbride to Glasgow needs a refresh to look at the volume of traffic, as currently does not meet demand.
There are too many schemes for house building with no consideration of infrastructure or how these new residents will be supported eg health, dentists, schools, impact on roads and so forth.
The LA is not, as far as I can see, addressing any of these issues.
The LA during lockdown placed poles for cycling on a main thoroughfare lane, with no consultation. Some months later, removed. Due to poles falling over, difficulties for emergency services & complete disregard of the practicality, just because it was free funds from Sustrans or something.

How well does your local authority work with your community to improve services and the local area more generally?

Please provide your response in the box provided.
To be fair they have now consulted on area improvements in each locale. Which is the first I’ve heard of in 20 years. So, no, but yes.

How would you describe public services in your local area compared to 10 years ago?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Got worse
Radio button: Unticked Stayed the same
Radio button: Unticked Improved
Please explain your answer in the box provided.
Increased council tax.
Now have to pay extra to get food & garden waste uplifted on top of council tax.
Streets not cleaned. Unless there is a VIP visiting.
Children & young people cannot access artificial grass pitches for play. Unless through uniform organisations.
Some schools are overcrowded, to the point that they are using portacabins in car parks/playgrounds.
Overcrowded schools means, overworked staff & does not support those children & young people requiring additional support.
The traffic around schools in morning & afternoon, is a constant chaos. Too many children & young people do not live in catchment area. Too many children & young people do not walk to school. The catchment area for some schools is too wide.