Response 337181512

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About you

What is your name? (If you would prefer to remain anonymous, please just leave this empty)

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Alastair Campbell

Where do you live? Giving your town, village or local authority is sufficient

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Your experiences of Community Planning Partnerships

Are you familiar with your local community planning partnership?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

Not familiar with Community Planning Partnerships

What are the biggest challenges facing your local area and how are public bodies, including your local authority, addressing these?

Please provide your response in the box provided.
The worry that local villages are subsumed or encroached by new housing development spreading out from the largest towns of which these villages are satellites with their own identity and community. Leading to loss of local amenities, shops, sports facilities, schools, pubs, etc.

How well does your local authority work with your community to improve services and the local area more generally?

Please provide your response in the box provided.
Budget constraints are normally cited for reason for not doing things. I know our area is not alone but the maintenance and servicing of local amenities, roads, parks, etc is always a challenge, in fairness Land Services are responsive if you contact them directly.

How would you describe public services in your local area compared to 10 years ago?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Got worse
Radio button: Unticked Stayed the same
Radio button: Unticked Improved
Please explain your answer in the box provided.
Our community hall is closed and unlikely to be reopened, I am still waiting a phone call from SLC to be given an explanation and plan for it.
Roads are worse, drains & gulley clearance is worse.
Fly tipping is a major problem, again SLC respond if the dumped goods are on public ground but need a much better strategy going forward.