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Your experiences of Community Planning Partnerships
Are you familiar with your local community planning partnership?
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Familiar with Community Planning Partnerships (page 1)
Have you been involved in the work of your local Community Planning Partnership?
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If yes, please share your experience of participating here:
I am a co- opted member of the locality planning partnership
Are you aware of your area’s Local Outcomes Improvement Plan and Locality Plans?
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If yes, what impact do you think the Plans have had - please provide your answer in the box provided
Unfortunately while it has been good to identify needs and to put those into the locality plan, ultimately the plan did not get the support of the local community.
We have had a range of improvements from the plan, but these have been budget limited and hence tend to be subject to less than constructive discussion.
We have had a range of improvements from the plan, but these have been budget limited and hence tend to be subject to less than constructive discussion.
In your view, do locality plans focus on and support those areas in your council area needing the most support?
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Yes they do, but they come without budget.
Larger projects do not are often not thought through properly and contradict other local aims.
For example the flood defence scheme is going ahead, we don’t know why, it is many years since we have seen serious flooding. The scheme will cause significant disruption, destroy a number of important local environmental habitats, incorporates nothing to support wave power generation etc etc
Larger projects do not are often not thought through properly and contradict other local aims.
For example the flood defence scheme is going ahead, we don’t know why, it is many years since we have seen serious flooding. The scheme will cause significant disruption, destroy a number of important local environmental habitats, incorporates nothing to support wave power generation etc etc
What involvement has the broader community had in developing Local Outcomes Improvement Plans and locality plans?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
The community has been heavily involved in consultation exercises, and has given some robust views but tactless remarks by Local Authority staff have made local people question whether the consultations were valid.
Being island based and having the development officers based on the mainland immediately makes it ‘us and them’
Lack of understanding by the broader community of what is achievable means that they ask for non- viable capital projects.
Being island based and having the development officers based on the mainland immediately makes it ‘us and them’
Lack of understanding by the broader community of what is achievable means that they ask for non- viable capital projects.
Familiar with Community Planning Partnerships (page 2)
Have opportunities to engage with community planning partnerships improved in recent years?
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We have recently started a local implementation group to develop the implementation of the local plan and also the carbon neutral project.
This is an open group which has had a reasonable amount of community support.
We have had a number of consultation meetings that have been open to the public, as well as opportunities to comment on line.
The recently revitalised community council has also been helpful
This is an open group which has had a reasonable amount of community support.
We have had a number of consultation meetings that have been open to the public, as well as opportunities to comment on line.
The recently revitalised community council has also been helpful
Has community planning contributed to a reduction in inequalities in your local area in recent years?
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The current national problems mean that inequality is once again very high on the agenda.
We are very aware that compared to the mainland we are a number of key projects that support inequality short, particularly a food larder and opportunity to go to more than one ‘warm spot’
Our local warm spot is open for 2 hours a week.
We had an excellent initiative for meals over the long school holidays, but it was based out of the local library and no additional staff were provided to run it. Equality projects run for the young seem successful and well supported, but I am not sure that they are enough.
Any local initiatives for the elderly are voluntary sector based.
Nothing is available for the disabled and less mobile and I speak from personal experience when I say that food poverty is not only about money and we badly need some support to make supermarkets available.
We are very aware that compared to the mainland we are a number of key projects that support inequality short, particularly a food larder and opportunity to go to more than one ‘warm spot’
Our local warm spot is open for 2 hours a week.
We had an excellent initiative for meals over the long school holidays, but it was based out of the local library and no additional staff were provided to run it. Equality projects run for the young seem successful and well supported, but I am not sure that they are enough.
Any local initiatives for the elderly are voluntary sector based.
Nothing is available for the disabled and less mobile and I speak from personal experience when I say that food poverty is not only about money and we badly need some support to make supermarkets available.
Are you aware of any data sources which allow you to see whether outcomes in your local area have improved over time?
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What are the biggest challenges facing your local area and how are public bodies, including your local authority, addressing these?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
Energy supply - we have no gas on the island which only leaves us with oil and electricity. At the last estimate that I saw almost 40% of properties had inadequate heating. This includes holiday homes so does reflect deprivation but this hides a real problem. Warmer Homes Scotland and of cause national energy schemes are helpful
Food supply - is very poor on the island- I have spoken to local councillors about this, they are aware but we are struggling to support.
Tourism management and cleanliness are one of island major priorities- the local authority initiates have exacerbated the problems rather than supported us to address them.
Local transport infrastructure- no petrol stations, no public charging points, no way of getting to a hospital for non drivers, no schemes by CalMac to support local priority access to the ferry. No disabled access to the ferry without a car.
Access to online services - cost for the younger and ability for the elderly. I went to a meeting recently there were 15 people there and only 3 owned a smart phone. Talks are ongoing to see what can be done about this.
Food supply - is very poor on the island- I have spoken to local councillors about this, they are aware but we are struggling to support.
Tourism management and cleanliness are one of island major priorities- the local authority initiates have exacerbated the problems rather than supported us to address them.
Local transport infrastructure- no petrol stations, no public charging points, no way of getting to a hospital for non drivers, no schemes by CalMac to support local priority access to the ferry. No disabled access to the ferry without a car.
Access to online services - cost for the younger and ability for the elderly. I went to a meeting recently there were 15 people there and only 3 owned a smart phone. Talks are ongoing to see what can be done about this.