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Your experiences of Community Planning Partnerships
Are you familiar with your local community planning partnership?
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Familiar with Community Planning Partnerships (page 1)
Have you been involved in the work of your local Community Planning Partnership?
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Are you aware of your area’s Local Outcomes Improvement Plan and Locality Plans?
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If yes, what impact do you think the Plans have had - please provide your answer in the box provided
Little of anything beyond transient value. It has been piecemeal and tokenistic.
There is no discernible long-term strategy and everything is measured in short-term success and window dressing lacking anything like the substantial investment which would actually make a difference to thousands of lives.
The town has been neglected for far too long and it has been far too easy for decision-makers at all levels to justify spending elsewhere in areas which have better levels of employment, better levels of health, better quality housing and better access to services, leisure and quality environments free from social nuisance.
Just about planning for services, facilities and funding takes place as an aggregation of data with adjacent Saltcoats and Ardrossan resulting in a lack of direct focus on Stevenston.
When desegregated Stevenston is consistently below the 'aggregated' average of the 'Three Towns on which decisions are made. It has been thus for years. So the real needs of Stevenston are hidden and masked by the aggregation of data being averaged up by association with the other two towns.
Frankly, I find it to be patronising and lacking integrity, particularly as Elected Members representing this one of the highest deprived burghs and the highest in terms of cost of living rises in North Ayrshire seem content with the situation because we do not hear lots of noises and demands that things should be improved from them.
There is no discernible long-term strategy and everything is measured in short-term success and window dressing lacking anything like the substantial investment which would actually make a difference to thousands of lives.
The town has been neglected for far too long and it has been far too easy for decision-makers at all levels to justify spending elsewhere in areas which have better levels of employment, better levels of health, better quality housing and better access to services, leisure and quality environments free from social nuisance.
Just about planning for services, facilities and funding takes place as an aggregation of data with adjacent Saltcoats and Ardrossan resulting in a lack of direct focus on Stevenston.
When desegregated Stevenston is consistently below the 'aggregated' average of the 'Three Towns on which decisions are made. It has been thus for years. So the real needs of Stevenston are hidden and masked by the aggregation of data being averaged up by association with the other two towns.
Frankly, I find it to be patronising and lacking integrity, particularly as Elected Members representing this one of the highest deprived burghs and the highest in terms of cost of living rises in North Ayrshire seem content with the situation because we do not hear lots of noises and demands that things should be improved from them.
In your view, do locality plans focus on and support those areas in your council area needing the most support?
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Absolutely not. Aggregation of data with other areas hides uncomfortable truths which would otherwise need to be addressed or explained to the electorate. It s an approach which lacks integrity and should be changed.
Stevenston is a Town with its own singular and proud history; it has hopes of a better future in the face of persistent neglect from decision-makers.
It is no good talking about empowering communities if we do not have access to resources and decision-making - in a meaningful way. It is disingenuous and simply discourages public engagement and so the cycle continues.
Stevenston is a Town with its own singular and proud history; it has hopes of a better future in the face of persistent neglect from decision-makers.
It is no good talking about empowering communities if we do not have access to resources and decision-making - in a meaningful way. It is disingenuous and simply discourages public engagement and so the cycle continues.
What involvement has the broader community had in developing Local Outcomes Improvement Plans and locality plans?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
There have to be questions about the extent of consultation and engagement in the process.
It is often 'the usual suspects' who engage in these activities - nothing wrong with that at one level
there is a point at which decision-makers need to make extra effort to get new households involved, get persistently disengaged groups involved instead of rationalising 'they're hard to each' and forgetting about them.
Thee is a need to pose questions as an offer of hope to those who have been permanently excluded from and damaged as a result of a lack of commitment to improving the quality of life in Stevenston - beyond a notice board here and a new litter bin there.
It is often 'the usual suspects' who engage in these activities - nothing wrong with that at one level
there is a point at which decision-makers need to make extra effort to get new households involved, get persistently disengaged groups involved instead of rationalising 'they're hard to each' and forgetting about them.
Thee is a need to pose questions as an offer of hope to those who have been permanently excluded from and damaged as a result of a lack of commitment to improving the quality of life in Stevenston - beyond a notice board here and a new litter bin there.
Familiar with Community Planning Partnerships (page 2)
Have opportunities to engage with community planning partnerships improved in recent years?
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2017, 2019, 2021 consultations of different types - all demonstrating persistent themes - all unable to demonstrate structural improvement in the way decisions are made or in the allocation of resources; quite the opposite.
People are tired of being asked: its time decision-makers began delivering something substantial into this area and to stop boasting of improvements happening elsewhere - it doesn't wash - except as a political 'line to take'.
People are tired of being asked: its time decision-makers began delivering something substantial into this area and to stop boasting of improvements happening elsewhere - it doesn't wash - except as a political 'line to take'.
Has community planning contributed to a reduction in inequalities in your local area in recent years?
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No. Not at all.
Just walk on our streets, look around. Look at our 'shops'
Food banks, meal clubs, clothing charities, furniture charities, empty business premises,
bus routes cut, poor, no direct link between each part of the area on one bus, derelict properties where owners play cat and mouse with the local council to avoid action to improve the area and the local council it seems incapable of finding away in law - or raising the loopholes with parliamentarians to bring about a change - why bother, its just Stevenston.
We have an aging population with increasingly poor health, lack of available GP services and lack mobility support and access throughout the town. A recent town centre 'path' could not take mobility issues into account because; there wasn't 'enough money' . More tokenism.
We have young people with limited outside school social and personal development opportunities and with already evidenced reduced life/employment chances because of where they live - that is simply getting wore - desegregate the figures to see this.
Just walk on our streets, look around. Look at our 'shops'
Food banks, meal clubs, clothing charities, furniture charities, empty business premises,
bus routes cut, poor, no direct link between each part of the area on one bus, derelict properties where owners play cat and mouse with the local council to avoid action to improve the area and the local council it seems incapable of finding away in law - or raising the loopholes with parliamentarians to bring about a change - why bother, its just Stevenston.
We have an aging population with increasingly poor health, lack of available GP services and lack mobility support and access throughout the town. A recent town centre 'path' could not take mobility issues into account because; there wasn't 'enough money' . More tokenism.
We have young people with limited outside school social and personal development opportunities and with already evidenced reduced life/employment chances because of where they live - that is simply getting wore - desegregate the figures to see this.
Are you aware of any data sources which allow you to see whether outcomes in your local area have improved over time?
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What are the biggest challenges facing your local area and how are public bodies, including your local authority, addressing these?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
POVERTY. I'll say that again, POVERTY. - Look at the deprivation index for Stevenston
EMPLOYMENT - Look at the deprivation index for Stevenston
LACK OF COMMUNAL, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT LOCATIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL AGES - not due to lack of interest or demand but because of a resource centred limitation on creativity and development to meet diverse needs over a town which is characterised by three distinct areas.
UNDERMINING OF A SENSE OF PLACE AND CIVIC PRIDE BY LACK OF INVESTMENT IN LOCAL FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE - this is made worse by the 'look' of the town which has derelict and unsightly areas which people avoid and open spaces and beaches where people do not always feel safe because of poor access or lighting. There is no identifiable route connection between the three areas of the town to make it look and feel whole and one.
EMPLOYMENT - Look at the deprivation index for Stevenston
LACK OF COMMUNAL, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT LOCATIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL AGES - not due to lack of interest or demand but because of a resource centred limitation on creativity and development to meet diverse needs over a town which is characterised by three distinct areas.
UNDERMINING OF A SENSE OF PLACE AND CIVIC PRIDE BY LACK OF INVESTMENT IN LOCAL FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE - this is made worse by the 'look' of the town which has derelict and unsightly areas which people avoid and open spaces and beaches where people do not always feel safe because of poor access or lighting. There is no identifiable route connection between the three areas of the town to make it look and feel whole and one.