About you
3. What is your name?
Magdalena Blazusiak
Question page 1
1. What evidence is there that new-build homes do not meet current energy and environmental requirements set out in Building Regulations and associated technical handbooks?
Please provide your response in the box below
Currently, Building Warrant process aimed at verification of design of homes to approved standard does not allow for any element of Building Performance Evaluation in line with BS40101:2022. Therefore, there is little to no independent, empirical evidence of new-build homes meeting or not current environmental and energy requirements in operation. Current methodology within the legislative system concludes at completion of construction work. It does not mandate independent certification, post completion evaluation nor rectification of performance shortfalls in operation.
Question page 2
2. How will the introduction of energy and environmental design and construction statements drive up compliance with such energy and environmental requirements?
Please provide your response in the box below
Introduction of energy and environmental design and construction statement should be embedded into the detailed guidance of the Technical Standards. In order to be effective and demonstrate performance of buildings in operation, closing the performance gaps and allowing adequate rectification of issues arising from user behaviour and construction related factors, the standard needs to mandate sufficient Building Performance Evaluation (BPE) that aligns with the requirements of BS40101:2022 in an occupied building.
Completion of construction and evaluation of occupied building are two distinctive steps in verification of performance (modelled vs. measured) required to rectify issues and ensure compliance, closing performance gaps.
The construction phase assessment cannot be simply a desk based statement, but has to take into account measured data as well as in use customer feedback.
Completion of construction and evaluation of occupied building are two distinctive steps in verification of performance (modelled vs. measured) required to rectify issues and ensure compliance, closing performance gaps.
The construction phase assessment cannot be simply a desk based statement, but has to take into account measured data as well as in use customer feedback.
Question page 3
3. How much might it cost to produce energy and environmental design and construction statements and do they have the potential to slow down the construction of new homes?
Please provide your response in the box below
With sufficient, detailed guidance in the Technical Handbook, the verification of performance through design and construction statements should not have significant impact on cost and timescales of the projects. The process could be subject to impartial certification similar to the Approved Certificate of Design and Construction.
Question page 4
4. What benefits do you think the Regulations are likely to bring, for example through potential improvements to the environment or energy savings for residents?
Please provide your response in the box below
The primary impact of the improved regulations inclusive of Building Performance Evaluation (BPE) would allow for improvement in current performance gaps prioritising long term interest of the occupants. It would not only allow for realistic predictions in energy demand and carbon reductions but also inform improvements associated with less tangible indicators of health and wellbeing. Although the latter cannot be mandated through regulations, it could be an indirect effect of the amended regulations.
There is sufficient evidence demonstrating the benefits of independent post occupancy evaluation on potential in optimising performance and addressing user behaviour factors.
There is sufficient evidence demonstrating the benefits of independent post occupancy evaluation on potential in optimising performance and addressing user behaviour factors.
Question page 5
5. Do local authority building standards departments have the expertise and resources required to analyse such reports and undertake reasonable on-site investigation to check their veracity?
Please provide your response in the box below
If the role was to be undertaken by the verified certifier of Design/ Construction, building standards teams would merely require basic and expected level of upskilling reflective of any such legislative change.
Independent certification by Quality Assured scheme providers (that could be linked to relevant Accreditation Bodies) could allow for introduction of two staged process, at completion and within adequate time of occupancy by undertaking Building Performance Evaluation aligned to BS40101:2022 using test data as well as user experience feedback. The process would minimise required resources from the building standards teams within the local authorities.
Independent certification by Quality Assured scheme providers (that could be linked to relevant Accreditation Bodies) could allow for introduction of two staged process, at completion and within adequate time of occupancy by undertaking Building Performance Evaluation aligned to BS40101:2022 using test data as well as user experience feedback. The process would minimise required resources from the building standards teams within the local authorities.
Question page 6
6. Do you have any other reflections on the Regulations?
Please provide your response in the box below