The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on equalities and human rights
How have groups of people been affected by the virus?
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1950'S Pensionless Women AGAIN targetted - Scot Gov ignored WHO guidelines which intimate people over 60 are high risk. - Discriminated against yet again and are the group forced to work in high risk virus areas after 6 yrs of stolen state pension in the gig economy and/or nursing/carers/shop assistants. Complete failure by Scot Gov to either mention or flag up the well known problems associated.
Which groups have been disproportionately affected by the virus and the response to it?
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50's Pensionless Women blanked by Scot Gov In the list of people requiring help
Have there been specific equality or human rights impacts on groups of people as a response to the virus?
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If women in their 50's who should have retired at 60 and had their state pensions stolen for 6 years by WM are forced to work on in high risk virus areas- then its obvious if Scot Gov do not adhere to WHO Guidelines and choose to blank this set of women then then there are both equality and human rights issues
What do the Scottish Government and public authorities (e.g. local authorities, health boards etc.) need to change or improve as a matter of urgency?
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You should have shielded these women from day 1 by following WHO guidelines- In addition provision of Legal Assistance in the knowledge that Scots Women and Men have on avg 2 yrs lower longetivity than the rest of the UK is vital to protect Scots Pensionless Women. The lack of any tangible help even a token amount is an absolute disgrace when women have been faced over the last 5/6 years with a stark choice of heat or eat. Not only have 50's Pensionless Women been de-valued but your blanking at this most crucial time is evidence of a Scots Govt that is quite happy to follow a Tory manifesto which does not include the poor/vulnerable - 92k Pensionless women have died already and many of the remainder are suicidal/self harming and/or very ill