Response 413451142

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The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on equalities and human rights

How have groups of people been affected by the virus?

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Different groups have been affected in different ways. Our experience being grouped within the ‘prisons system family’ it’s been truly awful.

Which groups have been disproportionately affected by the virus and the response to it?

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Those within prison & families outside

Have there been specific equality or human rights impacts on groups of people as a response to the virus?

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Human rights of prisoners & the rights of children from being able to access family life

What do the Scottish Government and public authorities (e.g. local authorities, health boards etc.) need to change or improve as a matter of urgency?

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The justice system needs to change dramatically. It’s a corrupt & broken out of age system where more could be done to support both prisoners & families. Communication is key to both & sadly there has been very little truth in any communication from the Government. I’m

What do the Scottish Government and public authorities need to change or improve in the medium to long term?

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Release more prisoners using home detention curfew.
Speed up transfer process to open prisons.
Allow longer & more frequent visits for families to visit loved ones in prison.