Response 599723043

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The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on equalities and human rights

How have groups of people been affected by the virus?

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There has been a lack of resources in the community and contact has been reduced from Multi Disaplinery Teams

Which groups have been disproportionately affected by the virus and the response to it?

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I believe older people have had quite an impact re this

Have there been specific equality or human rights impacts on groups of people as a response to the virus?

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I am unsure how much people have been involved in any reduction in hours

What do the Scottish Government and public authorities (e.g. local authorities, health boards etc.) need to change or improve as a matter of urgency?

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Communicate better and involve people more. Take into account that everyone's needs are different.

What do the Scottish Government and public authorities need to change or improve in the medium to long term?

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Implement services