Economic impact on young people (1/3)
5. How can we ensure that young people have the skills needed to promote economic recovery and to ensure that they gain/remain in employment?
Please enter your response in the box provided.
Encourage training/education to upskill or re-skill. Free online courses.
6. How can employers (including the public sector) be encouraged to employ young people? What levers does the Scottish Government have to incentivise employers to employ young people?
Please enter your response in the box provided.
Employ who is best for the job, looking at potential longevity of the employees. Offering on going training and good wages to attract staff.
Economic impact on young people (2/3)
9. Do you agree that a Scottish Job Guarantee Scheme is needed? How effective would it be in addressing the potential scarring effect of the crisis on the lives of young people? What practical steps and resources would be needed to implement it?
Please enter your response in the box provided.
I think it would be beneficial to focus on employment at all ages post covid19.
10. How do we protect the budget for skills development during an economic crisis where funds are limited? Is Skills Development Scotland’s budget sufficient for tackling the potential challenges ahead?
Please enter your response in the box provided.
Invest in people who genuinely want to better their lives with education/training/employment.
12. How can equal opportunities for young people be promoted during the economic crisis?
Please enter your response in the box provided.
Use social media to show what opportunities are there and use different examples of equal opportunities.
Economic impact on young people (3/3)
13. How can we ensure that young people have sufficient means to meet the cost of living during the crisis?
Please enter your response in the box provided.
Ask questions , listen to the answers.
Any further comments
18. Please share any further comments that you have on the impact of COVID-19 on young people.
Please enter your response in the box provided.
I think the mental health of young people will have been impacted by covid19. Need to make sure youn people are confident and comfortable to be back in 'real life'.