The role of Scottish social security
1. What will the economic downturn look like for different people in Scotland and how should Scottish social security support them through it? In the context of UK social security and of other ways of providing support, what is the role of Scottish social security in an economic recession?
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Think it is unfair when people earnings are just over universal credit as it is always appear to be one-sided and does not make people want to work
2. Can, and should, Social Security Scotland do more than meet the expected increased demand for benefits and deliver on existing policy commitments? What should its ambitions be? Within the social security and borrowing powers available to Scottish Ministers what could be achieved and delivered?
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All benify should not be more than minimum wage
3. If we look to do more, or differently, what are the relatively easier changes that could be made to Scottish benefits that would not require significant additional capacity in Social Security Scotland?
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Unsure why benify not capped
4. What changes could be made that would not require significant input from the Department for Work and Pensions (UK)?
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As above statements
5. What are the constraints and barriers to doing more in Scotland?
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Transparent on all money received from UK government
6. Should the main focus be on discretionary funds or on entitlements? In terms of recovery from Covid-19, is it more effective to provide support through discretionary funds allocated to local authorities or through demand led benefits delivered through Social Security Scotland?
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All benefits double checked before allocation