Response 502064605

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1. Do you agree with the overall aims of the Bill? If so, do you think the Bill can meet these aims?

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Yes. This is an area where evidence suggests young people are failed frequently. I have concerns for my own two disabled children in relation to transition to adulthood. Clear processes and expectations of all involved would be helpful to ensure that appropriate planning and preparation takes places.

2. Is changing the law the only way to do what the Bill is trying to do? Would the Bill (as it is currently written) have any unexpected or unforeseen effects?

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No necessarily, however there is guidance in this area at local level and through documents such as The Principles of Good Transition. Support in this area is variable and inadequate for many.

3. The Bill would require the Scottish Government to introduce a National Transitions (sections 1 to 6 of the Bill). Do you agree with introducing a strategy, and a Scottish minister to be in charge of it?

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Possibly. If this would be required and is clearly helpful then yes.

4. The Bill places a duty on local councils to prepare and implement transition plans for each disabled child and young person within their local authority area (sections 7 to 13 of the Bill). They would also have to explain: o how plans were going to be prepared and managed. o what would happen if there was a disagreement about what was in a plan or how it was working. Do you agree with these proposals?

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Yes. This requirement would be supportive. Currently it is good practice to have a plan but if the plan is not adequate or not prepared there is little a young person or parent can do.

5. What financial impact do you think the Bill may have, either on the Scottish Government, local councils, or other bodies?

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Implications on staffing potentially.

6. Is there anything else you’d like the Committee to know about the Bill? Do you have any comments on how the Bill will affect (for better or worse) the rights and quality of life of the people covered by the Bill?

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I think the bill could have a positive impact on the young people and families involved. It would ensure there is a plan and that this is adhered to. It could also help with liaison college or university or employers for the young person, ensuring an understanding on needs and appropriate support provided to meet those needs as the young person transitions in to adulthood.