Response 184178518

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Mr Drummond

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Engagement, timing and impact assessments

8. What are your views on the Scottish Government’s consultation and engagement process leading to the Bill?

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I was not aware, for such a important non profit sector this really should have been publicly broadcast as adverts. By chance I found out online.

9. How has the charity sector changed since 2005, and why is an update or strengthening of legislation needed?

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Westminster policies.

The current Scottish Gov funding model does not work with accountability to Parliament, OSCR staff will not process serious complaints of financial irregularities where the Scottish Gov has provided funding grants to the charity.

This is a conflict of interest not to investigate misconduct in the public purse interest.

10. The Government is committed to carrying out a wider review of charity law after the passage of this legislation. What are your views on a review?

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The Gov who provides funding grants to charity should pass funding of Office Scottish Charity Regulator to Parliament as a already Parliamentary accountable body.

Funding the OSCR and their statutory role in investigating Charities who are receiving funding from Scot Gov is a absolute conflict of interest.

11. What are your views on the Bill’s Financial Memorandum and the various impact assessments published by the Scottish Government?

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There is a absolute failure to cross reference Scot Gov inequality and socio-economic polices with Charity legislation in Scotland, where Charities pick up the failures of Westminster & Holyrood polices to provide as duty bound equality.

About the Bill (page 1 of 2)

12. Will the Bill lead to the Scottish public being better protected, and will charity regulation become more transparent?

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Given my long experience of Scot Gov funded Office Scottish Charity Regulator staff it will do little to help when OSCR staff will not investigate charities receiving Scottish Gov financial grants as it shows inadequate Due Diligence by Scot Gov.

Therefor public protection and regulation & transparency will remain corrupt.

13. What are your views on the extent to which the Bill matches OSCR’s original proposals, as set out in 2018?

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Parliament proposes not the Scot Gov funded OSCR with very little accountability to Parliament.

OSCR own proposals are of self interest, just as they will not process complaints against Charities receiving Scot Gov public grant funds or internal complaints on their failure of statutory duty - to avoid embarrassing the Scot Gov sets proposals, OSCR or any other public funded body should be controlled by Parliament/votes not setting the own goal proposals in its own interests, should a public body wish to do such it should do so in reported from outside the organisation where no conflicts arise.

Parliament as a cross reference party body

14. Do you think the Bill makes it easier or more difficult to start and run a charity?

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As a Registered Social Landlord Stakeholder-employer-tenant I cannot set up a Tenants Association as a Charity, I can only do this with 4 tenants & the RSL approval.

It is easier to set up a private company in Scotland with two named officials than it is hold my RSL “Safeguarding staff” to account via current legislations on RSL even where that RSL is a Scottish registered Charity!

Given the millions of pounds annually RSL receive in stakeholder funding grants from the Scottish Gov it is a failure stakeholder employer tenants cannot set up a Charity based Tenants Association, this proposal bill seeks to do nothing to help stakeholder employer tenants hold their safeguarding staff to account.

About the Bill (page 2 of 2)

15. Will additional administrative burden be placed on charities? Would this be disproportionate for smaller charities?

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A administrative support fund of help & finance should be accessible to all small charities from Parliament to ensure where Scot Gov does not provide a annual grant in a financial year that small
charities are not burdened with administration or any associated costs that would make the Charity unsustainable to continue to provide its core functions to its community.

16. Does the Bill bring the Scottish regulatory system into line with other parts of the UK? Why is this important?

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Scotland should always excel the U.K. standards or legislation - not match it.

17. Do you have any other comments or concerns about specific sections of the Bill, or about the Bill more generally?

Please provide your response in the box provided.
Concern of self interest proposal bill
by OSCR as a Scottish Gov funded organisation.

These at not Parliament funded public servants, they serve Scot Gov needs, wants and desires at all costs, which is a long term conflict of interest to date.