Response 643583184

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About you

3. What is your name?

Name (Required)
Alasdair Ross

6. Please rank the following in order of importance for third-sector organisations (where 1 is least important and 5 is most important):

Please rank these from 1 to 5
Receiving funding for three years or more
Flexible, unrestricted core funding
Funding that includes inflation uplifts and covers all costs
Funding that enables organisations to pay their staff at least the Real Living Wage
A streamlined and consistent process for making funding applications, reporting, and receiving payments

Organisation details

1. Name of organisation

Name of organisation (Required)
Banchory Community Council

2. Is your organisation in the third sector?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes (for respondents from charities, or other third sector organisations)
Radio button: Unticked No (for respondents from academic, private sector, public sector, or other organisations)

More about your third sector organisation

1. Information about your organisation

Please add information about your organisation in the box below
Community Council operating in Aberdeenshire

Views from the third sector

1. Please select ALL sources of funding your organisation currently receives:

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Unticked UK Government
Checkbox: Unticked Scottish Government
Checkbox: Ticked Local Government
Checkbox: Ticked Private donations/fundraising
Checkbox: Unticked National Lottery
Checkbox: Unticked Other (please write in)