Committee Effectiveness - Stakeholder Survey

Closes 22 Apr 2025

Opened 4 Mar 2025


We want to hear from you about how effective committees at the Scottish Parliament are.

The Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee is carrying out an inquiry to look at committee effectiveness. 

To support the inquiry, we’re keen to understand what stakeholder experiences of committees are. Understanding how stakeholders and the public view committees and the work they do will help the Committee to consider what success looks like in the work that they do.

Find out more about committees and their work 

This call for views is aimed at stakeholders, including organisation and individuals from all sectors and backgrounds, who have experience of engaging with committees and their work. We use ‘you’ throughout the questions, which can refer to your organisation, or yourself if you have worked with committees across multiple organisations or as an individual.

Read the questions in this survey

Page 2 – About you

Q1. – Standard privacy notice

Q2. – Standard publication question

Q3. – Name

Q4. – Email address 

Q5. – Responding as an individual or organisation

Page 3 – Organisation details

Q6. – If organisation, name of organisation

Q7. – Type of organisation

Q8. – How would you describe the focus of your organisation in terms of engaging in policy scrutiny:

Focused on a broad subject area (i.e., education, housing), which means you may tend to engage mostly with one committee.

Focused on a specific policy area or piece of legislation (i.e., housing adaptations, ASN in education, or a specific bill).

Focused on an issue that cuts across lots of portfolio and policy areas (i.e., poverty, climate change, equalities and/or supporting a specific community or group), which may mean you engage with multiple committees.

Page 4 – how you engage in scrutiny

Q9. Which activities have you undertaken in the context of work of Scottish Parliament committees? (tick as many as apply)

  • Responding to calls for views or surveys.
  • Writing to committees outside of calls for views
  • Writing to or engaging with individual MSPs about committee scrutiny
  • Engaging with committees at events or visits, including focus groups.
  • Giving oral evidence to committees.
  • Supporting service users/communities/organisation members to engage directly with committees by acting as an intermediary or facilitator.
  • Following up to see how the Scottish Government has responded to committee work/recommendations.
  • Other (free text)

Q10. – How long have you been engaging in committee scrutiny? (tick one)

  • Six months or less
  • 6-12 months
  • 1-2 years
  • 2-5 years
  • 5-10 years
  • More than 10 years

Page 5 – the work of committees

Q11. – Which do you think is the most important thing for committees to spend their time on? (choose you top 3 priorities, in order)

  • Investigating current or topical issues.
  • Examining proposed laws presented by the Scottish Government.
  • Examining proposed laws presented by non-Government members (private members bills, such as the Period Products (Scotland) Bill).
  • Examining the Scottish Government’s proposed spending plans (the Budget).
  • Examining the work of public bodies and commissioners.
  • Reviewing existing laws and how well they work.
  • Examining petitions made by the public.

Page 6 – experiences of committee scrutiny

In this section, you will be asked about your experiences of committee scrutiny, including specific activities that you or your organisation have been involved in.

Q12. – Can you highlight any pieces of committee scrutiny or work which have stood out to you as effective scrutiny, and can you briefly say why it was effective? (free text)

Q13. – Can you describe any pieces of committee work which have been less effective or have not achieved what you expected, and briefly explain why? (free text)

Q14. – If there’s anything else you’d like to say about your experience of committee scrutiny, please do so here (free text)

Page 7 – Almost done

There is a separate call for views which is shorter and asks more general questions surrounding committee effectiveness for people who have only engaged with committees on a few occasions.

Read and complete the short survey

How to submit your views

Please submit your views using the online submission form, linked to below.

We welcome written views in English, Gaelic, Scots or any other language. 

The call for views closes on Tuesday 22 April 2025.
