243 results
Healthcare in remote and rural areas
The Health, Social Care and Sport Committee is planning an inquiry into healthcare in remote and rural areas and they want to hear your views on what they should focus their inquiry on. To help inform the inquiry the Committee has agreed to use the Your Priorities digital consultation tool. The tool will ask the following question: What are the most important issues that the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee should look at in its inquiry into... MoreClosed 17 August 2023 -
The Sustainability of Scotland’s Finances
Short to medium-term financial pressures: The Scottish Government’s Medium-Term Financial Strategy published in May 2023 sets out the government’s expectations and broad financial plans and projections for the next five years. It states that the Scottish Government expects its public spending to grow at a faster rate than its central forecasts of the funding it expects to receive. This means the government is forecasting that it will not have sufficient money to fund the... MoreClosed 18 August 2023 -
Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill: Financial Memorandum
About the Bill This Bill requires Scottish Ministers to introduce measures to help develop a circular economy. This includes: Publishing a circular economy strategy; Developing circular economy targets; Reducing waste; Increasing penalties for littering from vehicles; Making sure individual householders and businesses get rid of waste in the right way; Improving waste monitoring. Current Status of the Bill ... MoreClosed 21 August 2023 -
Health, Social Care and Sport Committee Pre-Budget Scrutiny 2024-25
The Health, Social Care and Sport Committee is undertaking pre-Budget scrutiny for 2024-25. In recent years, in line with the recommendations of the Budget Process Review Group (BPRG) report, Scottish Parliament subject committees have undertaken pre-budget scrutiny, in advance of the publication of the Scottish Budget. The intention is that committees will use pre-budget reports to influence the formulation of spending proposals while they are still in development. The date of... MoreClosed 25 August 2023 -
Questions to the Cabinet Secretary: September '23
The Scottish Parliament's Health, Social Care and Sport Committee is responsible for scrutinising the Scottish Government’s delivery of Health and Social Care and regularly takes evidence from its Ministers. Tell us what questions you have about the Scottish Government's Government's health and social care policy and services. We will share the views and likes or dislikes you submit on this platform with Members of the Committee ahead of the meeting where the Cabinet Secretary... MoreClosed 25 August 2023 -
What impact do the Scottish Government's spending and taxation plans have
Every year the Scottish Parliament looks at the Scottish Government’s spending plans and how it raises taxes. This is called the Budget process. We would like to understand more about how we can involve the public more in this important work. Hearing from people across Scotland helps us to get a better understanding of what plans are, and are not, working. We want to: find out how much people know about the Budget find out which areas of the Budget people think affect... MoreClosed 25 August 2023 -
Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill: Financial Memorandum
About the Bill The Bill aims to allow a visitor levy, a type of fee or tax, to be charged on overnight stays in some types of accommodation. This means that a certain amount of money would be paid to the local authority every time someone stayed overnight in accommodation like a hotel, bed and breakfast or holiday cottage (unless it is the place where the person usually lives). Each local authority would be able to decide if it wanted to introduce a charge and what the level of the... MoreClosed 1 September 2023 -
Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill
The Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee is seeking your views on the Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill, which was introduced by the Scottish Government on Tuesday 13th June 2023. There are two ways you can share your views with the Parliament. You can: share your detailed views on the specific provisions included in the Bill, by following the link at the bottom of this page get involved in a broader discussion about circular economy and some of the general... MoreClosed 1 September 2023 -
Victims, Witnesses, and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill
The Scottish Government is proposing a new law which aims to improve the experiences of victims and witnesses within Scotland’s justice system – in particular, the victims of sexual crime. The new law would also make some broader reforms to the criminal justice process. The Victims, Witnesses, and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill is split into six parts. Part 1: creates the office of Victims and Witnesses Commissioner for Scotland ... MoreClosed 8 September 2023 -
Victims, Witnesses and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill: Financial Memorandum
About the Bill The Bill makes changes to the law to try to improve the experience of victims and witnesses in the justice system. The Bill also makes changes to the criminal justice system to try to improve the fairness, clarity and transparency of the framework within which decisions in criminal cases are made. At its introduction, the Bill is split into six parts. Part 1: creates the office of Victims and Witnesses Commissioner for Scotland Part 2: ... MoreClosed 8 September 2023 -
Scottish Employment Injuries Advisory Council Bill - call for views
Certain social security powers, including industrial injuries benefits, were devolved from the UK Government to the Scottish Government through the Scotland Act 2016. In the future, the Scottish Government will legislate for employment injury assistance. This would support people who have suffered an injury or a disease as a result of their employment. This assistance would replace Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit in Scotland. Powers were not transferred in relation to... MoreClosed 11 September 2023 -
Scottish Employment Injuries Advisory Council Bill: Financial Memorandum
About the Bill This Member’s Bill has been introduced by Mark Griffin MSP . It establishes a Scottish Employment Injuries Advisory Council (SEIAC). SEIAC would be an independent body, separate from the Scottish Government. SEIAC would be able to commission research and come up with recommendations on the support available to people who can no longer work because of workplace injury or disease. The Bill proposes that employers and employees will be represented on... MoreClosed 11 September 2023 -
Criminal Justice Pre-Budget scrutiny: 2024-25
As part of its pre-budget scrutiny of the 2024-25 Scottish budget, the Criminal Justice Committee wants to hear your views. The key focus is on the financial challenges that face organisations working in the criminal justice sector and the adequacy of budgets that may be proposed when the Scottish Government publishes its budget in the coming months. Of particular interest to the Committee are the pressures on capital spending and investment. Questions The... MoreClosed 12 September 2023 -
Dualling the A9: Petition PE1992
The Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee has launched a new consultation which looks at the commitment to dual the A9 and address the on-going safety concerns on the road. This consultation follows a petition submitted by road safety campaigner Laura Hansler , which urges the Scottish Government to fulfil its 2011 promise to fully dual the A9, improve road safety and consider the creation of a national memorial to those who have tragically lost their... MoreClosed 15 September 2023 -
Visitor Levy Bill - call for views
This page provides information about submitting a detailed response to the Committee about the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill. If you would like to make brief and general comments about the Bill, join in the conversation on our engagement website . Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill The Scottish Government has proposed a new law which would allow local authorities to introduce an additional charge when someone pays for overnight accommodation. MSPs on the Scottish Parliament’s... MoreClosed 15 September 2023 -
Welfare of Dogs (Scotland) Bill: Financial Memorandum
About the Bill This is a Member’s Bill, introduced by Christine Grahame MSP . The aim of the Bill is to improve the health and welfare of dogs. The Member’s view is that buying a puppy or dog in a responsible way can make a difference to that animal's welfare. The Member also believes it could change the nature of the puppy trade. The Bill aims to: help to influence the behaviour of those getting a puppy or dog lower the demand for puppy farms and other... MoreClosed 25 September 2023 -
Just transition for the North East and Moray
The North East of Scotland and Moray are hugely important for Scotland’s economy and energy. As Scotland transitions to a low-carbon economy, these areas must be well supported. Crucial to the future of this area is having enough jobs to sustain employment levels, and that workers have the skills to take up those roles. The Committee want to hear from those in the area on what support is needed to achieve this. The Scottish Government set up The Just Transition Fund to... MoreClosed 26 September 2023 -
Assessing the impact of the Procurement Reform Act
The Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 introduced duties on public bodies to consider how procurement could be used to improve the wellbeing of their local areas. That includes looking at the impact on the economic, social and environmental health of the area. The 2014 Act also looked to make it easier for small businesses, third sector organisations and supported businesses to be a part of public procurement. The Economy and Fair Work Committee wants to know if the Act is... MoreClosed 3 October 2023 -
Healthcare in Remote and Rural Areas
Have your say on healthcare policies in remote and rural areas The Committee would now like to hear views on what policies and actions would be most effective in addressing the issues people face when accessing healthcare in remote and rural areas. The Scottish Government has committed to developing a Remote and Rural Workforce Strategy by the end of 2024 . The government say this will provide a framework to support employers and also ensure the health and social care needs... MoreClosed 20 October 2023 -
Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) (Scotland) Bill: Financial Memorandum
About the Bill As introduced, this Bill would require the police to have a code of ethics, make changes relating to the handling of police conduct, increase the functions of the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner and introduce an advisory board for the Commissioner. Current Status of the Bill This Bill was introduced in the Scottish Parliament by the Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs on 6 June 2023. Read and find out more about the... MoreClosed 1 November 2023 -
Quality Meat Scotland (Amendment) Order 2023 - Call for views
The Rural Affairs and Islands Committee is looking at the Quality Meat Scotland (Amendment) Order 2023 and wants to hear your views. What is the Quality Meat Scotland (Amendment) Order 2023 ? The purpose of the instrument is to increase the maximum levy rates in the Quality Meat Scotland Order 2008, which will enable Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) to adjust the levies for the slaughter or export of cattle, sheep, and pigs. QMS... MoreClosed 17 November 2023 -
Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill: Financial Memorandum
About the Bill If the Bill is passed as introduced, Scottish Ministers will be required to prepare a five year Rural Support Plan. This plan will include details of farming, forestry, and rural development support. The Bill gives Scottish Ministers the power to form a new support framework and provide financial and other assistance. The framework would be brought into law by secondary legislation. This Bill also makes changes to the Agriculture (Retained EU Law and Data)... MoreClosed 24 November 2023 -
Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill
The Rural Affairs and Islands Committee is looking at the Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill and wants to hear your views. What is the Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill? The Bill’s policy memorandum states the purpose of the Bill is to provide a framework that the Scottish Ministers “will use to develop the support that farming and rural communities need in order to adapt to new opportunities and new challenges, and to prosper in a changing... MoreClosed 24 November 2023 -
Review of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement
The UK’s relationship with the European Union (EU) is governed by the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA). The TCA entered into force on 1 May 2021 and there is provision in the agreement for a joint review of the implementation of the Agreement five years after its entry into force. The Committee is looking at the TCA now so that we can contribute to the discussions at the UK and EU level that may take place in the run up to such a review. Our focus is on trade in... MoreClosed 30 November 2023 -
Housing (Cladding Remediation) (Scotland) Bill
About the Bill The Bill is being introduced to reduce the risk to life from unsafe cladding on people’s homes. The Bill gives powers to Scottish Ministers to assess and remediate certain types of buildings with unsafe cladding. Scottish Ministers will need to record these assessments and any remediation works completed in a register. Remediate means to take action towards fixing problems. The Bill also allows Scottish Ministers to create a responsible developers... MoreClosed 8 December 2023 -
Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) (Scotland) Bill - Call for views
The Scottish Government is proposing a new law which would require the police to have a statutory code of ethics, make changes relating to the handling of police conduct, increase the functions of the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (the PIRC) and introduce an advisory board for the Commissioner. The Scottish Government states that the Bill is an amending bill and amends the two main pieces of legislation in the area of Scottish policing law (the Police, Public Order and... MoreClosed 8 December 2023 -
Housing (Cladding Remediation) (Scotland) Bill: Financial Memorandum
About the Bill Some types of wall cladding on the outside of buildings can cause fire safety risks. This Bill gives Scottish Ministers powers to carry out assessments to find out if the cladding on buildings is safe. If not, Ministers can then organise repairs. If necessary, Ministers can also require people to move out of the buildings until the work needed is done. The Bill applies to only some buildings. For a building to be assessed under the Bill, the building must have... MoreClosed 11 December 2023 -
Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill
The Committee's call for views closed on 20 December 2023. Individual responses to the short survey will not be published. Instead, a summary of responses will be published on the Committee's website in due course. Published responses View submitted responses to the structured call for evidence where consent has been given to publish the response. Background A note on language The wording used in this call for views mirrors the language of the documents... MoreClosed 20 December 2023 -
Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill: Financial Memorandum
About the Bill This Member’s Bill has been introduced by Gillian Mackay MSP . It creates safe access zones around all places providing abortion services in Scotland. The Bill makes it an offence for a person in a safe access zone to act in certain ways. This includes any behaviour that might stop a person from getting an abortion or make them feel scared or upset about getting an abortion. It would also be an offence if a person behaved in these ways in other... MoreClosed 20 December 2023 -
Your views on Additional Support for Learning (ASL) in Scotland
The Education, Children and Young People Committee has agreed to undertake an inquiry into Additional Support for Learning (ASL). The Committee want to know people’s experiences of how services are provided. They want to hear views from a range of people including parents, teachers, support staff, carers, pupils and organisations. Find out more about the inquiry . Implementation of the presumption of mainstreaming The presumption in favour of ‘mainstream... MoreClosed 31 December 2023
243 results.
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