Response 509733364

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About you

3. What is your name?

Mag's Forbes

Awareness and recognition

8. Do you think there is enough awareness and recognition of long COVID by the general public, medical professionals, employers and / or policy makers in Scotland?

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Things are getting better, however, more needs to be done to understand exactly what this virus is doing to people.

9. What more could / should be done to raise awareness and recognition of long COVID?

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Proper training of GP’s
Listening/interviewing directly to people with LC.
Public speaking
Or media coverage, programmes on TV

10. What are your thoughts on the use of long COVID assessment clinics?

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I currently attend a LC clinic where I see one physio, who is newly trained in LC.
There needs to be a more multi disciplinary approach to LC, but not all separate appointments, they need to merge, talk, and listen!!

Therapy and rehabilitation

11. Do you consider that the correct mix of services are in place to help people who have long COVID?

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No, totally not.

12. What support could or should be available for people who are supporting or caring for people with long COVID?

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Support in all areas, physical, mental, emotional, and most importantly FINANCIAL! Some have lost their jobs. I’ve had to change areas and drop my hours drastically, ran out of AL to top up my hours, so basically pay as you go now, which does not cover my bills.

Study and research

13. What should be the main priorities for study and research into long COVID?

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I guess there is no cure for LC. Just management of symptoms. Perhaps treatments to help alleviate symptoms in patients might be good.

14. Is sufficient data publicly available on the prevalence of long COVID in Scotland?

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No, not that I have came across. Some people still do not know they have LC, others misdiagnosed with Fibro etc

15. Do you have any other comments?

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Just help us!!!