About you
3. What is your name?
Judit Hada-Shaw
Awareness and recognition
8. Do you think there is enough awareness and recognition of long COVID by the general public, medical professionals, employers and / or policy makers in Scotland?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
No, very little awareness and not much talked about.
9. What more could / should be done to raise awareness and recognition of long COVID?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
Training GPs
Long covid clinics
Easily available resources -advertise them
People have no idea what long covid is, they look at you and think you’re fine but no idea what you’re dealing with.
Long covid clinics
Easily available resources -advertise them
People have no idea what long covid is, they look at you and think you’re fine but no idea what you’re dealing with.
10. What are your thoughts on the use of long COVID assessment clinics?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
We absolutely need them. My GP is nice but no idea whatsoever what to do with me. Hospital took some blood test but as they were all clear I’ve just been given pain killers and that’s it. I’m still struggling, and no one is helping. I have to research everything and try things that might work, having to pay for it myself. No one is listening and my issues are not heard.
Therapy and rehabilitation
11. Do you consider that the correct mix of services are in place to help people who have long COVID?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
No, definitely not in Scotland. I’d say there is no help at all. You’re told just to get on with it.
12. What support could or should be available for people who are supporting or caring for people with long COVID?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
Understanding How they can help, education on long covid.
Mental health support.
Mental health support.
Study and research
13. What should be the main priorities for study and research into long COVID?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
Treatment of symptoms. What people can do to get better.
14. Is sufficient data publicly available on the prevalence of long COVID in Scotland?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
No, I’m not aware of any data.
15. Do you have any other comments?
Please provide your response in the box provided.
I feel totally ignored and left alone, it’s incredibly difficult both physically and mentally. I’m lucky I can pay for some things myself and my employer has been supportive but resources should be available to everyone. Also, we need doctors who are focusing on long covid, I have not met one doctor yet who has even looked much into long covid. I’m being told that my bloods are ok so I’m fine.