Response 475047697

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3. What is your name?

Eileen Donn

Tell us your views on the Scottish Attainment Challenge

8. What has worked well?

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PEF funding has been used by our school to pay for staff. It has paid for a Relax Kids Coach to come in and work with the children and extra support staff.

9. What could improve?

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The children especially after 2 lockdowns need staff more than ever. Teachers should be allowed to teach and more specialised staff should be able to support the children who are struggling whether that be within the environment, with the work or have issues going on at home.
Covid provided the opportunity to change the school class room set up. Smaller class sizes not only would help limit the spread of Covid but provide the children with an opportunity to thrive.
Our school staff are amazing and work extremely hard. They need extra support to raise attainment, this can't be done on basic numbers of staff.

10. How is the impact of funding measured?

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I am not sure.

11. What has been the impact of the pandemic on attainment and achievement in schools?

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Some children who worked from home have been stressed and this has caused some anxiety issues with work when they've returned to class. Other children have managed to keep up with the work at home, however when they've returned to school they have had to repeat the work. There has been lots of revision which has meant that children who have already a good grasp on the work are getting bored and this in turn has had an affect on their concentration and happiness within school.