About you
3. What is your name?
Martin Paul
Economic recovery (1/3)
5. What are your views on the Scottish Government Advisory Group on Economic Recovery’s report? If the recommendations are to be implemented, what practical action is needed now?
Please enter your response in the box provided.
In terms of Digital Infrastructure,
" Virtually all of Scotland’s internet traffic transits
via London. Scotland is today the only European
country which does not have multiple
independent routes to the main nodes of the
internet in Europe. It is heavily dependent on the
London-Amsterdam corridor.*
it is vital Scotland has access to internet independent of England. The rise in demand for broadband services such as videoconferencing has made it plain we need our own access routes.
Of more immediate import is the need to remove the digital divide, which has existed for years and has not improved. The coronavirus pandemic drove many services online, from shopping, to banking, and government services. Many households do not have broadband access, up to date equipment, or the skills and confidence to access these services. Many older people do not trust online services. These needs must be met quickly and across the board, in order to allow full participation by all members of Scotland society.
" Virtually all of Scotland’s internet traffic transits
via London. Scotland is today the only European
country which does not have multiple
independent routes to the main nodes of the
internet in Europe. It is heavily dependent on the
London-Amsterdam corridor.*
it is vital Scotland has access to internet independent of England. The rise in demand for broadband services such as videoconferencing has made it plain we need our own access routes.
Of more immediate import is the need to remove the digital divide, which has existed for years and has not improved. The coronavirus pandemic drove many services online, from shopping, to banking, and government services. Many households do not have broadband access, up to date equipment, or the skills and confidence to access these services. Many older people do not trust online services. These needs must be met quickly and across the board, in order to allow full participation by all members of Scotland society.
7. What needs to be done to promote economic recovery?
Please enter your response in the box provided.
Improve access to stress free shopping, by continuing to work with retail and the public.
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Improve digital infrastructure, as home working continues into 2021.
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Continue to improve digital infrastructure while addressing the digital divide.
Economic recovery (2/3)
9. To what extent might future ways of doing business change?
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More business and services will move online and become the only way to engage with their customers. Those unable or unwilling to do so will be disadvantaged. Government must do all it can to promote digital inclusion.
Economic recovery (3/3)
13. What action is needed to ensure that Scotland has the digital infrastructure and digital skills to support economic recovery?
Please enter your response in the box provided.
Investment in our own landing cables, removing the logjam in England; investment in low cost broadband availability across rural Scotland; investment in the building of digital skills across the disadvantaged and older members of society.