Response 930996395

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Impact on businesses and workers as lockdown eases (1/3)

5. The Scottish Government’s economic response is based on 4 Rs – Response, Reset, Restart and Recovery.

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No we cannot get any business support our rates value was too high, and our building is an indoor sports facility which remains closed despite pubs opening ?
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You need to provide emergency aid to large indoor facilities if they can’t open we have no income streams at all
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Yes indoor sports centres
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You are using lockdowns to surpress the virus why aren’t you using methods to live with it only 3% of people who have died from the virus are below the age of 65 yet you are killing the working economy just now with no plan B

Impact on businesses and workers as lockdown eases (2/3)

6. What insight can you provide on how businesses are operating once re-opened in terms of:

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We can’t open just now
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We have same staff levels but with furlough lowering and no income I didn’t know how we can sustain that
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We have had no income since 23 March

7. What levels of debt have been taken on by businesses during the crisis? How sustainable is this debt for businesses? What measures should be taken to help businesses deal with higher levels of debt?

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£50,000 bounce bank loan which we’d hope but to use

8. Do employers need support in adopting fair work practices at this time?

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Not sure

Impact on businesses and workers as lockdown eases (3/3)

9. Are the different arms of government and wider public sector (e.g. transport, education, economy, connectivity) working together to help businesses and workers to re-open the economy?

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Have had no information on this at all

10. Is the Scottish Government’s Economic Strategy (based on 4 Is) and Economic Action Plan, which both guide enterprise agency activities, still applicable in the current economic crisis? If changes are needed, what should they be?

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Not sure stop lockdowns

11. What is the impact of the economic crisis on international trade and exports? What is needed to boost this activity? What assistance is needed by businesses and workers to deal with Brexit in the context of the economic crisis?

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Any further comments

12. Please share any further comments that you have on the impact of COVID-19 on businesses and workers.

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It is devastating it’s that simple