Response 626532716

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UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Bill

1. Will the Bill make it easier for children to access their rights?

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I think that making the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) a Bill will help make children's rights enforceable and easier for children to find and learn about what rights they have and why they have them. It will make the rights easier for children to locate and access if they have heard about the UNCRC.

2. What do you think about the ability to take public authorities to court to enforce children’s rights in Scotland?

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I believe that being able to take public authorities to court would be a beneficial precaution to have in place to uphold children's rights. It would ensure that children's rights are being met and implemented in any sort of practice especially within a school setting. Schools are vital for teaching children about their rights and making them aware that they have them and why. It is their duty to follow and implement children's rights in their practice to be a good role model. If a child's rights has not been met then I believe that it is important for the right consequences to be placed upon the responsible person to ensure it won't happen again.

3. What more could the Bill do to make children’s rights stronger in Scotland?

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To make children's rights stronger in Scotland the Bill could advertise the UNCRC especially in schools and ensuring children are being taught their rights and have an in depth knowledge about why they are in place an what to do if they have had a bad experience that goes against their rights. The Bill could also make sure that appropriate consequences are in place if a right has been breached. This would make childcare workers more wary about their practice and if they're implementing children's rights.

4. If you work for an organisation or public authority, what resources do you need to help children and young people access their rights? Will you require additional resources or training to implement the Bill, for example to make or respond to challenges in court?

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UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Bill

1. Are there any relevant equalities and human rights issues related to this Bill, or potential barriers to rights, that you think we should look at?

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Potential barriers to children's rights wold be that not all children and young people have the same opportunities and resources to learn about and research their rights. This could lead to some issues as they wont be aware of what their rights are for if anyone breaches them.

2. What are your views on the provisions in the Bill that allow the courts to strike down legislation judged to be incompatible with the UNCRC?

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I believe that the UNCRC should be incorporated into any piece of legislation possible to ensure that children's rights are always being met. This is vital in ensuring children are safe and protected from harm by the hands of any person that is caring for them. If the UNCRC is not compatible with another piece of legislation then I think that serious consideration should be taken to see if there is any possible way that it could be incorporated.

3. What are your views on the Children’s Rights Scheme and the requirement on public authorities to report?

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I have a positive outlook on the children's rights scheme related to the UNCRC. I find children's rights to be close to my heart and feel that it is vital that all children's rights are being met and taken seriously. I feel that it is important that children have a clear understanding about what the UNCRC is and all of their rights. this will keep them safe from harm and will hopefully encourage children to speak up about any concerns or incidents related to their rights. I think that the requirement is key in keeping updates about how the UNCRC is doing and making any necessary changes.

4. Is there anything else you want to tell us about the Bill?

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I personally believe that making the UNCRC a Bill is a fantastic idea in taking steps forward towards incorporating children's rights and making people take them serious. I think this will create huge waves especially within childcare jobs and will allow necessary actions to be taken in relation to children's rights.