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258 results

  • Continuity Act - Policy Statement and Annual Report

    In December 2020 the Scottish Parliament passed the European Union (Continuity) (Scotland) Act 2021 . This Act provides Ministers with powers to help meet the Scottish Government’s commitment that Scottish laws “keep pace” with future developments in EU law where appropriate. The Scottish Government has now drafted two documents in relation to these “keeping pace” powers, a Policy Statement * and an Annual Report *. The Committee would like to hear your views on these documents.... More
    Opened 29 October 2021
  • Scotland’s supply chain

    The Economy and Fair Work Committee are investigating Scotland’s supply chain. The Committee is keen to hear from businesses and industry. They would like to understand what changes could protect Scotland's supply chain. They would also like to hear what opportunities may or may not exist to develop a domestic supply chain. Background A supply chain is the end to end process of creating products and delivering them to customers. The Committee is aware of the current... More
    Opened 12 October 2021
  • Licensing of short-term lets

    The Scottish Government has told the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee that it will be laying draft laws before the Scottish Parliament requiring local authorities to introduce a licensing system for short-term let accommodation. More information about what is proposed can be found by accessing the following link: Why your views matter The Committee wants to hear your views about the... More
    Opened 27 September 2021
  • Health and Care Bill - Legislative Consent Memorandum

    The Health and Sport Committee would like to invite you to respond to its targeted call for written views on the Legislative Consent Memorandum (LCM) on the Health and Care Bill. The Committee is seeking your views on the LCM and those provisions of the Bill which relate to: The Secretary of State’s power to transfer or delegate functions; International healthcare arrangements; Food information for consumers; Power to amend retained EU law; Professional... More
    Opened 21 September 2021
  • Criminal Justice Committee Pre-Budget Scrutiny of the 2022/23 Budget

    We want to hear your priorities for next year’s budget for criminal justice. We plan to write to the Scottish Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Justice later this year. We will be setting out our recommendations on how the budget should be spent. What are we interested in? The Committee wants to hear views from across all the different parts of the criminal justice sector. That is our prisons and courts, policing and fire... More
    Opened 16 September 2021
  • Inquiry into the Scottish Government’s international work

    The Committee is looking at how the Scottish Government engages internationally and what it wants to achieve from this work. This includes both its EU and wider international engagement, its support for international development and how its external affairs policies interact with UK government policies in these areas. Background to the inquiry You may find the following information and links helpful in reading and responding to the Committee’s questions. Before the... More
    Opened 15 September 2021
  • Transvaginal Mesh Removal (Cost Reimbursement) (Scotland) Bill - financial memorandum

    The Bill seeks to refund individuals who paid for private surgery to remove transvaginal mesh from their body. It is to include the costs of removal surgery and reasonable connected expenses. Current status of the Bill  This Bill was introduced in the Scottish Parliament by the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care on 22 June 2021. Read and find out more about the Bill: Transvaginal Mesh Removal (Cost Reimbursement) (Scotland) Bill . Stage 1 The Health,... More
    Opened 14 September 2021
  • The UK Internal Market

    The aim of this inquiry is to consider the implications of the UK internal market for Scotland including how devolution works. Background to the inquiry You may find the following information and links helpful in reading and responding to the Committee’s questions. The UK internal market was established in law by the UK Internal Market Act 2020 (IMA) , but other new constitutional arrangements like common frameworks will also be important to its operation. You can find... More
    Opened 13 September 2021
  • Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee: Pre-Budget Scrutiny 2022/23 - Call for Views

    The Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee is asking for views on what should be in the Scottish Government’s budget for 2022/23. Views can be submitted on any aspect of the budget affecting the committee’s remit. This year the Committee is particularly interested in how the budget affects the human rights of different groups and individuals in Scotland. Background The National Taskforce for Human Rights published its leadership report in March 2021 . One... More
    Opened 1 September 2021
  • Transvaginal Mesh Removal (Cost Reimbursement) (Scotland) Bill

    Background Humza Yousaf MSP, the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care introduced the Transvaginal Mesh Removal (Cost Reimbursement) (Scotland) Bill in the Scottish Parliament on the 23 June 2021. The Bill seeks to refund individuals who paid for private surgery to remove transvaginal mesh from their body. It is to include the costs of removal surgery and reasonable connected expenses. The call for views will close on 13 October 2021. ... More
    Opened 1 September 2021
  • Funding for Culture

    Ahead of next year’s Scottish Government Budget (Budget 2022-23), the Committee wants to hear your views on the continuing impact of COVID-19 on the culture sector, and how it should recover from the pandemic. The Committee wants to hear your immediate budgetary priorities for the sector as temporary COVID funding comes to an end. It also wants to know what lessons can be learned from the crisis, and if there are opportunities to move to a longer-term and more strategic approach to... More
    Opened 4 August 2021
  • Views on the 'End Conversion Therapy' petition

    The Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee is inviting your views on a public petition, PE1817: End Conversion Therapy . Background The petition was lodged in August 2020. It calls on the Scottish Parliament "to urge the Scottish Government to ban the provision or promotion of LGBT+ conversion therapy in Scotland". In the previous session of the Parliament (Session 5) the Public Petitions Committee received written evidence from: the Scottish Government... More
    Opened 6 July 2021
  • Carer's Allowance Supplement (Scotland) Bill

    The Social Justice and Social Security Committee is considering the Carer's Allowance Supplement (Scotland) Bill . Why was the Bill created The COVID-19 outbreak has had a serious impact on unpaid carers in Scotland. Last year the Coronavirus (Scotland) (No.2) Act 2020 provided a 'double payment' of Carer’s Allowance Supplement in June 2020. This covered the period from 1 April to 30 September 2020. This Bill was created to allow another 'double payment' in December 2021.... More
    Opened 2 July 2021
  • Scotland's public finances in 2022-23 and the impact of Covid

    What are your views on Scotland’s public finances in 2022-23 and how they have been affected by COVID-19? The Finance and Public Administration Committee would like to hear your views on this topic as part of its pre-budget scrutiny. What are the key questions? In particular, the Committee is keen to hear how the Scottish Government’s budget in 2022-23 should address the following questions: How should the Scottish Government's Budget for 2022-23 address the need for a... More
    Opened 24 June 2021
  • Covid-19 legislation: next steps

    Share your views with the Covid-19 Committee We want to hear your views on the Scottish Government’s emergency powers to respond to Covid-19. We also want to know what we can learn about using emergency legislation for the future. The Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020 and the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act (No. 2) 2020 give emergency powers to the Scottish Government to respond to Covid-19 . The powers are set out in Part 1 of each Act. These powers expire on 31 March 2021 unless... More
    Opened 1 February 2021
  • Draft Report Consultation - Review of Lobbying Act (Scotland) 2016

    Draft Report Consultation The Committee is very grateful to all those who have so far contributed to its review of the Lobbying Act. As noted above, the Act has one further step, which is a requirement for the Committee to publish its draft report on its review and to consult with “such persons as it considers appropriate” on the draft report and any recommendations that it proposes to include in its final report. Find the draft report, as well... More
    Opened 20 January 2021
  • Climate Change Plan Update

    These consultations are now closed. To view each Committee's report please visit each Committee's 'Completed Business' on the Scottish Parliament's website: Four parliamentary committees reviewied the Scottish Government’s updated Climate Change Plan (CCPu) . They were: Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee... More
    Opened 16 December 2020
  • Police Scotland’s use of remote piloted aircraft systems and body worn video cameras

    Introduction The Scottish Parliament’s Justice Sub-Committee on Policing is to hold an oral evidence session with Police Scotland and the Scottish Police Authority on Police Scotland’s use of remote piloted aircraft systems and body worn video cameras, on Monday, 18 January 2021. In advance of this, the Sub-Committee is inviting interested parties to submit any written views they may have on these issues. Remote Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) Police... More
    Opened 15 December 2020
  • The impact of COVID-19 on access to sport

    Impact on Individuals Survey The Health and Sport Committee is looking into the impact of COVID-19 on sport in the community. At its meeting on 3 November, Members agreed to undertake a short, focused inquiry into the impact of COVID 19 restrictions on sports clubs, leisure venues and communities. With a particular focus on any reduction s or cessation of community-based activities undertaken by sporting organisations including mental and physical health impacts on... More
    Opened 23 November 2020
  • Scottish General Election (Coronavirus) Bill

    The Scottish Government is proposing some changes to the laws relating to the 2021 general elections in Scotland. The proposals are set out in the Scottish General Election (Coronavirus) Bill . The bill was published on 16 November 2020. The Policy Memorandum has been prepared by the Scottish Government to set out the Government’s policy behind the bill. You are invited to provide your views on these proposals to the Scottish... More
    Opened 17 November 2020
  • Support for Disabled Young People

    The Disabled Children and Young People (Transitions to Adulthood) (Scotland) Bill is a Member’s Bill introduced by Johann Lamont MSP on 30 September 2020. A Member’s Bill is introduced by an individual MSP, not the Scottish Government. You can read the Bill and accompanying documents here . The Bill aims to improve opportunities for disabled children and young people as they grow up. The Bill would require: the Scottish Government to have a... More
    Opened 16 November 2020
  • The impact of COVID-19 on sport in the community

    Organisations Survey The Health and Sport Committee is looking into the impact of COVID-19 on sport in the community. At its meeting on 3 November, Members agreed to undertake a short, focused inquiry into the impact of COVID 19 restrictions on sports clubs, leisure venues and communities. With a particular focus on any reduction s or cessation of community-based activities undertaken by sporting organisations including mental and physical health impacts on... More
    Opened 16 November 2020
  • Domestic Abuse (Protection) (Scotland) Bill

    The Justice Committee will scrutinise the Domestic Abuse (Protection) (Scotland) Bill in the coming months. The Committee is therefore asking for views on the Bill. What does the Bill aim to do? According to the Scottish Government the provisions of the Bill are intended to improve the protections available for people who are at risk of domestic abuse, particularly where they are living with the perpetrator of the abuse. The Bill will do this by providing courts with... More
    Opened 10 November 2020
  • Fair Rents (Scotland) Bill

    The Local Government and Communities Committee wants your views on a new Bill about private rented housing. The deadline is 7 December 2020. Background The Fair Rents (Scotland) Bill is a Member’s Bill introduced by Pauline McNeill MSP on 1 June 2020. A Member’s Bill is introduced by an individual MSP, not the Scottish Government. You can read the Bill and accompanying documents here . The Bill aims to increase private tenants’ protection... More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • Travelling Funfairs (Licensing) (Scotland) Bill

    The Local Government and Communities Committee wants your views on a new Bill about travelling funfairs. This call for views runs until 7 December 2020. Background The Travelling Funfairs (Licensing) (Scotland) Bill is a Member’s Bill introduced by Richard Lyle MSP on 29 April 2020. A Member’s Bill is introduced by an individual MSP, not the Scottish Government. You can read the Bill and accompanying documents here . Richard Lyle believes that is often... More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • Coronavirus Acts: third report to Scottish Parliament

    Introduction Thank you for taking the time to complete this consultation. As part of its response to Covid-19, the Scottish Government has temporarily been given new powers in a broad range of areas of the law. We want to hear from people or organisations who have been affected by these new powers. We will use the consultation responses to question the Scottish Government in an upcoming committee meeting. Share your views with the Covid-19 Committee We want to hear your... More
    Opened 9 October 2020
  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Bill - Making children's rights the law

    Images in this consultation courtesy of the Children's Parliament An easy read version of this consultation is available (PDF file download). What is the children's rights Bill? A Bill is an idea for a new law that the Scottish Parliament needs to think about. Right now, there is a new Bill that would make children’s rights part of the law in Scotland. This is sometimes called “incorporation”. Children’s rights are what children need to grow up happy,... More
    Opened 9 October 2020
  • University of St Andrews (Degrees in Medicine and Dentistry) Bill

    We are looking for your views on the University of St Andrew (Degrees in Medicine and Dentistry) Bill. Background The Bill will remove the legal prohibition that currently prevents the University of St Andrews from holding exams and awarding degrees in medicine and dentistry. The reason for removing the prohibition at this time is to allow the University, jointly with the University of Dundee, to award undergraduate Primary UK Medical Qualifications... More
    Opened 7 October 2020
  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Bill

    United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill The Equalities and Human Rights Committee (EHRiC) wants to hear your views on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill. The Bill The Bill will make the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) part of Scottish law – this is often called “incorporation”. This would mean the government would have to respect the UNCRC... More
    Opened 7 September 2020
  • The role of Scottish Social Security in Covid-19 recovery

    Thank you for sharing your views. Your views will help us understand how Covid-19 has impacted people in Scotland and how Scottish social security can respond. We want to understand how Scottish social security, and its part within the broader context of all UK social security, should contribute to the social and economic recovery from Covid-19 through support to those in or out of, or seeking, work with a focus on deliverable change from 2021 onwards. ... More
    Opened 1 September 2020
258 results. Page 8 of 9